We are involved now in a serious revolution. This nation is still a place of cheap political leaders who build their careers on immoral compromises and ally themselves with open forms of political, economic and social exploitation. What political leader here can stand up and say, "My party is the party of principles?"
Congressman John Lewis, 2015
John Lewis Presente!
"Humanity lost a Lion of the Civil Rights Movement in the passing of Congressman John Lewis," writes former National Co-Chair of UFPJ, George Paz Martin. Read George's tribute to this icon of the nonviolent struggle for racial justice.
75th Anniversary Wrap Up: No More Hiroshima! No More Nagasaki!
August 6th and 9th marked the 75th anniversaries of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In a time of global pandemic and growing dangers of nuclear war, these solemn dates were commemorated with events around the world, both live and virtual. UFPJ promoted and took part in a number of these commemorations. READ MORE; find links to video recordings of August 6th and 9th events and reports on "Peace Wave" activities around the globe.
Virtual Screening and Benefit: "We Are Many" a documentary film about the February 15, 2003 demonstrations to stop the Iraq war.
"We Are Many" is a new documentary about the demonstrations against the Iraq War, and about the efforts of activists to organize those protests in nearly 800 cities around the globe. United for Peace and Justice played a leading role in organizing these demonstrations in New York and other U.S. cities. This screening, on September 21, the UN International Day of Peace, will benefit UFPJ and other participating organizations. For more about the film, click here. For the film trailer, click here. And to purchase tickets, click here.
Iraq's New Prime Minister and President Trump Discuss U.S. Troop Withdrawal as Deadly Crackdown on Iraqi Protests Grows
Four months after assuming control of the government in Iraq, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and his administration continues to struggle with corruption, an inability to provide basic services, and a growing COVID-19 crisis. As Al-Kadhimi and Trump discussed U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq, five U.S. energy companies signed new agreements with the country, and official attempts to rein in a violent crackdown on activists by lawless militias failed. READ MORE.
Bailout People, NOT the Pentagon!
After approving a $741 billion Pentagon budget, Congress is considering handing the Pentagon an estimated $30 billion in EXTRA funding in the next COVID relief bill, including $24 billion which will go directly to the arms industry. Sign on to CODEPINK's petition to tell Congress: Bailout people NOT the Pentagon and weapons manufacturers! READ MORE.
Update from the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
The Poor People's Campaign just launched a groundbreaking new report that proves empirically that poor and low-income people are the key to political transformation in this country and could also become a new and decisive electorate. Over the next three months, the Poor People's Campaign will be leading a mass voter organizing project in poor communities across the country: We Must Do MORE (Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering, and Educating). Stop McConnell's Misery, Mayhem and Madness -- join the Poor People's Campaign Moral Monday direct digital actions. Read more and find out how to get involved.
Tell Blackrock: Stop investing in Tasers!
BlackRock loves to make a killing on killing: Over a thousand Americans have been killed by Tasers. 32 percent of them are Black Americans. Tasers are made by the colossal law enforcement supplier Axon Enterprise, based in Arizona. One of their top shareholders happens to be Blackrock. Tell Blackrock: stop investing in Tasers! READ MORE.
Help the Cuban Doctors receive the Nobel Peace Prize
Selflessness, solidarity and working for the common good characterize what the Nobel Peace Prize should be about. These traits aptly describe Cuba's Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade, which has saved over 80,000 lives since 2005 and has been fighting COVID-19 in 27 countries. Join us in asking the Nobel Committee to award Cuba's Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade a Nobel Peace Prize!
CODEPINK Launches New Campaign: China is Not Our Enemy
CODEPINK's new campaign: China is Not Our Enemy, seeks to cultivate peace, not drive hatred. For safe measure, we need a "no first use" commitment from the U.S. Government, or they are the real enemy of the planet and all people on it. Take action and find educational webinars here.
Save the Date! Online UFPJ Member Group Gathering 12 September

Saturday September 12
th 3-4:30PM Eastern time / 12-1:30PM Pacific time.
Five UFPJ member groups will share their current work:
- Massachusetts Peace Action's Raytheon Anti-war Campaign
- Defending Rights and Dissent, Washington, D.C., "Whose Streets? Our Streets!"
- CODEPINK's Divest from the War Machine's local organizing on the West Coast
- PeaceWorks, Kansas City opposition of the trillion dollar update of our nuclear arsenal
- Muslims for Social Justice, Peace and Justice in the South
And, we will hear about the on-the-ground work of the Poor People's Campaign. (UFPJ is a proud national mobilizing partner of the Campaign.) Afterwards we will discuss plans and strategies for our shared efforts and movement building!
The Power of the Pen
UFPJ regularly signs onto letters initiated by member groups and others dealing with a broad range of important peace and justice issues. In August UFPJ joined Freedom Forward and 17 other organizations in urging the member nations of the World Trade Organization to reject Saudi Arabia's nominee for Director General of the WTO.
UFPJ is a diverse network of peace and justice organizations. If your organization is interested in joining UFPJ, please read our Unity Statement, and if it is consistent with your principles click here to join.
Please donate to help us continue sending out "UFPJ Currents" to our members and supporters. And THANK YOU for all your work for peace and justice!