June 2020

If justice is indivisible, it follows that our struggles against injustice must be united.
--Angela Davis

June 20, 2020: Power Concedes Nothing Without an Organized Demand
United for Peace and Justice is proud to be a National Mobilizing Partner in the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. On June 20 the voices of our movement rang out loud and clear through the Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington, the largest online gathering of poor and dispossessed people, and people of conscience, in the nation's history. Read more about the event or click here to watch a rebroadcast.

Support historic legislation in Congress to cut the Pentagon budget by $350 billion!
Congresswomen Barbara Lee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Pramila Jayapal just made history by introducing a bill to cut $350 billion from the Pentagon budget and invest that money in our local communities. Email your representatives now and tell them to add their names to the legislation immediately.

Webinar on the 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings:
Deconstructing the Myths and Promoting a Nuclear Weapons-Free and Just World
Monday July 13, 2020: 7 p.m, EDT; 6 p.m. CDT; 5 p.m. MDT; 4 p.m. MST; 4 p.m. PDT
Join three extraordinary speakers as we build toward 75th anniversary commemorations of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and promote a nuclear-free and just world.
  • Sueichi Kido, the General Secretary of Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- & H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations.
  • Gar Alperovitz, author of the definitive book, "The Decision to Use the A-bomb"
  • Rev Liz Theoharis, Co-Chair, Poor People's Campaign, Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary

Register for the webinar now. Read more....

Protests of the Murder of George Floyd Met with Military Force
UFPJ Member Groups and Leaders Respond
The police murder of George Floyd sparked an outpouring of public protest across the nation, and members of UFPJ's leadership, past and present, joined calls to defund the police and the military, while warning of imminent threats to our democracy. For a selection of their articles, click here.

Sign on to Demilitarize the Police
People rising up in righteous anger against police brutality are being met with massive police brutality. Armored vehicles, tanks, and police armed to the teeth are patrolling the streets while drones and helicopters buzz overhead. Rather than getting justice for George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, Amhaud Arbory and so many others killed by our police, our cities are being invaded by militarized police. The 1033 program was created in 1990 during the"war on drugs" (aka the war on black communities) to give "left-over" military weapons to local U.S. police departments. Since 1990, at least $5.4 billion in U.S. military equipment has been transferred. Sign CODEPINK's petition to abolish the 1033 program.

Three Tools for Addressing Policing, Police Violence, and Militarization of the Police

Korea: The Neglected History of the Unresolved War

On June 25, 2020, the 75th anniversary of what is officially known as the start of the Korean War, preeminent Korean historian Bruce Cummings, discussed the neglected history of the unresolved war and how it continues to haunt the present. Hosted by the Korea Peace Network, Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network, Peace Treaty Now, and Re'Generation Movement. UFPJ is a member of the Korea Peace Network. Watch the webinar here.

United for Peace and Justice has a
dynamic and engaging Facebook page for you to Like!
The Poor People's Campaign A National Call for Moral Revival Virtual March streamed on our page, helping the PPC gain more than two and a half million viewers the weekend of June 20-21. Many updates on events of particular interest to the peace community are posted daily such as the action and sentencing of the Kings Bay Plowshares, street protests to amplify our voices for peace and justice, breaking news such as Barbara Lee's bill calling to cut the Pentagon budget by 50%, and worthy petitions appear on our lively page! Comments can be posted and posts shared to help increase the reach of our collective voices for peace and justice in these challenging times!

The Power of the Pen
UFPJ regularly signs onto letters initiated by other groups dealing with a broad range of important peace and justice issues. In June, UFPJ joined nearly 2,500 organizations from across the country on a letter urging the Senate to boost Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in the next coronavirus relief package. Also this month, UFPJ, with more than 100 progressive, anti-war, anti-racist, faith-based organizations representing millions of Americans, signed letters urging presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and President Trump to adopt a just and principled foreign policy towards Israel and the Palestinian struggle.

UFPJ is a diverse network of peace and justice organizations. If your organization is interested in joining UFPJ, read our Unity Statement, and if it is consistent with your principles click here to join.

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Help us continue to do this critical work and more-- make a donation to UFPJ today.

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