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Webinar: The International Nuclear Disarmament Agenda; Civil Society Perspectives from Seven Key States
With the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock set at 100 seconds to midnight, and the world’s nuclear powers upgrading their nuclear arsenals and dangerously engaging in provocative military “exercises”, activists and advocates around the world are...
Heal the Nation: Respect Us, Protect Us – Update from the Poor People’s Campaign
In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad, fusion movement that could unite poor and impacted communities across the country. Their name was a direct cry from the underside of...
Human Rights Versus Nuclear Weapons
We are witnessing a resurgence of interest in the application of international human rights law to one of the principal threats to the human future: nuclear weapons. A general comment issued by the UN Human Rights Committee in 2018 finds the threat or use of nuclear...
The Power of the Pen
With a new administration in place and a Democratic majority in Congress UFPJ was among 387 U.S., South Korean, and International Organizations that signed onto a statement calling on the Biden Administration to suspend U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises. The...
United for Peace and Justice Member Group Meeting– Member Group Events
On Saturday, January 30, United for Peace and Justice held a member group meeting via Zoom. Representatives of member groups from around the country joined. Several made announcements of upcoming events; links to those events are provided in the title graphic here. ...
The Golden Rule Is Coming Soon –Sailing to a Harbor Near You!
by Gerry Condon Have you heard about the Golden Rule anti-nuclear sailboat? If not, you will probably hear about her soon. She could be sailing to a harbor near you. Some people remember all the way back to 1958, when this 34-ft. ketch was sailed across the ocean,...
Celebrating Entry-Into-Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
On January 22, 2021, people around the world celebrated entry-into force of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Spanning the globe, at least 150 events, included protests, bannering at nuclear facilities, ringing of church bells,...
Webinar: Asia-Pacific Political Economy: Dynamics and Their Implications
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 For a recording of this webinar, click here. In recent decades, the Pacific basin has been transformed by unprecedented economic growth, driven in significant measure by globalization, low wage production, growing economic inequality,...
Trump’s pardon of Blackwater guards convicted for killing Iraqi civilians provokes outrage
The September 16, 2007 Nisour Square massacre of 17 Iraqi civilians, including two young boys, by Blackwater employees led to worldwide condemnation of the use of private military contractors in war zones. In addition to those killed, at least 20 other Iraqis were...
The Poor People’s Campaign; Calling for Light, Love and Leadership
The Poor People’s Campaign; Calling for Light, Love and Leadership In light of the events of January 6th, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival produced a video showing the split realities of how non-violent protest has been met versus the...
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Begins Its 20th Year
Almost unnoticed amidst the chaos of the final days of the Trump Administration, the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba began its 20th year of operation on January 11, 2021. In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Bush Administration sent 780 Muslim men and...
The World Says No to War on Yemen!
Join the Global Day of Action to end the war in Yemen, January 25, 2021, which has killed 250,000 people and created what the UN has pronounced “the worst humanitarian crisis anywhere in the world.” This protest is timed to take place just days after the inauguration...