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Seeking Peace in Afghanistan: September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows’ Webinar Explores Prospects for Afghan Civil Society
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows was organized after four of its founding members returned from Afghanistan in January of 2002 having witnessed the devastating levels of civilian casualties caused by the military activities of the U.S./NATO coalition....
How Do We Move from a Dysfunctional World to a World Without Nuclear Weapons?
The 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons took place on June 19, 2021. This was the second year the AGM was held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic which continues to devastate countries and populations...
Golden Rule Peace Boat Arrives From Honolulu To San Francisco: Historic Sailboat Tried to Stop Nuclear Bomb Testing in 1958
by Gerry Condon “They are here! They are here! The Golden Rule is sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay.” These were the excited shouts of supporters on Tuesday, June 1, when the historic Golden Rule anti-nuclear sailboat arrived in SF Bay,...
Guantanamo Update: Evidence about Torture is Out; Statements Obtained by Torture are In
Although President Biden has announced his intention to close the detention facilities at the Guantanamo Naval Base there have been some recent, deeply troubling developments in the ongoing military commission hearings at the base. A decision last month in the case of...
All out for June 21! Poor People’s Campaign National Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers Mass Assembly
On June 21, join poor people, low-wage workers, moral and faith leaders and advocates online simultaneously with a socially distant rally in Raleigh, NC for a National Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly. The hybrid online/in-person mass assembly will include...
Readathon Calls for End to U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and End to Saudi Blockade of Yemen
Saying, “According to Greg Hayes, CEO of Raytheon Technologies, at a shareholder meeting, ‘peace is not going to be breaking out in the Middle East anytime soon,’ but we are here today to say peace and a lifting of the cruel Saudi blockade of Yemen must happen,”...
UFPJ Seeks Young Peacekeepers
While youth activists in the U.S. are significantly engaged in movements for racial and environmental justice, those who have come of age in a post-9/11 world have known nothing but endless war and are not likely to question our culture of violence and ecological...
Iran’s June 18 Elections: How Much Will Change?
by Leila Zand, Code Pink On June 18, Iranians will cast their votes for their 13th presidential election since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Whatever the result might be, this election will have one loser: the people of Iran. A resilient nation that has been...
Memorial Day Protest and Arrests at Kansas City Nuclear Parts Plant: ‘We spoke truth, we cried, we witnessed, we rejoiced’
By Kristin Scheer This Memorial Day was the first time I was able to join PeaceWorks-KC at the massive National Security Campus, where non-nuclear parts are made for nuclear weapons. It was the 10th annual event and I was moved by the experience. Jim Hannah urged all...
The Poor People’s Campaign: Launching a Third Reconstruction
Emerging from the pain and organizing power of the 140 million people living in poverty or with low wages in this nation, the newly introduced Congressional Resolution for a Third Reconstruction reflects an omnibus vision for a fundamental restructuring of society...
Call for Organizing Peace Marches/Actions in Solidarity with the 2021 Peace March in Japan: May 6 to August 4, 2021
In the historic year when the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force, the 2021 Peace March will start on May 6 from Tokyo, walking towards Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At a new stage that nuclear weapons are prohibited for the first time in...
Please join the Sixth Annual Virtual Korea Peace Advocacy Week July 12-16, 2021
Join hundreds of people across the country in nationally coordinated virtual advocacy meetings to urge your Member of Congress to support: A Peace Agreement to end the Korean War; Life-saving humanitarian assistance; and Other humanitarian issues such as lifting the...