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Nuclear Disarmament/ Redefining Security Working group
UFPJ’s oldest working group, the Nuclear Disarmament /Redefining Security Working Group (UFPJ-Disarm), was established following the first UFPJ National Assembly in 2003, with the explicit purpose of locating the often-misunderstood issue of nuclear weapons in the...
Legislative Working Group
War Funding and More – Legislative Working Group: The challenge of UFPJ's Legislative Working Group is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned. (Adapted from Antonio Gramsci) What We Do: Our working group helps to connect people, as well as local...
Afghanistan Working Group
UFPJ calls for the U.S. to immediately end the Afghanistan/Pakistan War, bring all troops home, stop employing security contractors, close military bases, and stop drone strikes. The Afghanistan Working Group connects activists and organizers in UFPJ...
The UFPJ Website is going to be relaunched very soon! Check back daily as we update the site!
Press Advisory: They Talk of Peace But Wage War
Press Advisory FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cole Harrison, Boston, 617-466-9274, cole@masspeaceaction.org Elsa Rassbach, Bonn, 011-40-170-738-1450, elsarassbach@gmail.com, skype: elsarassbach Protest Bonn II Afghanistan Conference They Talk of Peace But Wage War On...
Thanks for your support and patience!
The United For Peace and Justice site was hacked and destroyed. We are working to get it back up. Please be patient. Thank You. Michael T. McPhearson National Coordinator
UFPJ Statement on Japan’s Triple Crisis
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) stands in solidarity with our many friends and allied organizations in Japan* during this extended period of unprecedented crisis. We grieve with the people of Japan and express our deepest sympathies for the tragic loss of life,...
UFPJ Statement on Japan’s Triple Crisis
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) stands in solidarity with our many friends and allied organizations in Japan* during this extended period of unprecedented crisis. We grieve with the people of Japan and express our deepest sympathies for the tragic loss of life,...
Visit the website here. Frances Fox Piven Video: Click Here Gustavo Rivera & Rev Michael Ellick Video: Click Here Cornell West Video: Click Here Heather McGhee Video: Part 1 | Part 2 Trumka Video: Click Here Jeff Sachs Video: Part 1 | Part 2 Guest Speakers Video:...
Aug 2011 Nuclear Free Future Month
United for Peace and Justice has declared August Nuclear Free Future Month – a month of education and action for a world free of nuclear weapons and nuclear power! Visit www.nuclearfreefuture.org to endorse the Call to Action, access or add to a calendar of events,...