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KC Financing for Nuclear Weapons Parts
In a public-private partnership, 14 private investors have purchased Kansas City municipal bonds for $673 million for construction of a new plant making and procuring nuclear weapons parts. For the first 20 years, this plant will be owned by the local Planned...
Eats: UFPJ Occupy Peace Conference: February 24-26, Philadelphia, PA
The closest restaurants/delis to Friends Center and Arch Street UMC are listed below. Most of these will have vegetarian and vegan options. The first listing, Mi Lah, is not as close as the others, but it is a more reliable option for strictly vegan food. NOTE: These...
Homeland Security monitors journalists
http://rt.com/usa/news/homeland-security-journalists-monitoring-321/ Freedom of speech might allow journalists to get away with a lot in America, but the Department of Homeland Security is on the ready to make sure that the government is keeping dibs on who is saying...
UFPJ’s Statement on Iraq
United For Peace and Justice was founded in 2002 to oppose the illegal and immoral, pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. Eight years and nine months after “Shock and Awe” U.S. troops have finally left Iraq. For that we must largely thank the Iraqi people, who refused to...
U.S. Military and Afghan Civilian Killed and Wounded in Afghanistan
Casualty Counter: http://antiwar.com/casualties/counter.php
Numbers of Iraqis Displaced and Refugees Since 2003
Number of Iraqis displaced and refuges: Congressional Research Service Reports for the People http://opencrs.com/document/RL33936 It is estimated that in total (including those displaced prior to the war) there may be as many as 2 million Iraqi refugees who have fled...
Number of Iraqis killed in U.S. Led Invasion and Occupation
The disparity in record keeping of coalition forces’ deaths and the number of Iraqis who have died as a result of the U.S. led invasion of Iraq is outrageous. The lack of interest by the U.S. government and military to close this gap is an example of the need to...
Revised Detainee Bill Still Fundamentally Flawed
President Should Veto National Defense Authorization Act (Washington, DC, December 13, 2011) – Reported congressional changes to a defense authorization bill, aimed at averting a presidential veto, fail to address fundamental flaws in the bill’s proposed treatment of...
Senate Votes on “Defense” Bill TODAY
TODAY is the Senate's turn to vote on FY2012 "Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which the House passed yesterday evening by a vote of 283-138. This bill contains $554 billion for the Pentagon base budget and another $115.5 billion for the wars, and includes dangerous...
Call to Action: Retire NATO, Create Jobs & Fund Peace – Chicago – 18.-19. May 2012
Sponsored by: Network for a NATO-Free World: Global Peace and Justice* In a land that's known as freedom How can such a thing be fair Won't you please come to Chicago For the help that we can bring We can change the world Re-arrange the world It's dying ... to get...
Support UFPJ
Support United for Peace & Justice! Our work depends on your support. Help us build a vibrant movement for peace and justice in this critical year -- full of opportunities, as well as major challenges. Click here to make a donation to UFPJ!
Occupy Report 12/13-12/20
The Occupations Report: 12/13 This report includes updates from Occupy sites and related efforts across the country and the globe. It includes big wins, local organizing efforts, protests/events, police activity reports and calls to action where additional support...