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Transportation to UFPJ Occupy Peace Conference: 24-26 February, Philadelphia, PA
Register GOALS AGENDA TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS HOMESTAYS Getting to Philadelphia Philadelphia is located at the heart of the country’s densest public transportation network along the Northeast corridor so it’s pretty easy to get...
Meeting Goals: UFPJ Occupy Peace Meeting in Philadelphia, February 24-26
Register GOALS AGENDA TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS HOMESTAYS UFPJ has identified that it is not interested in creating a series of workshops, speakers’ panels, etc. that are often typical of activist conferences. The methodology for...
Homestays and Hotels: UFPJ Occupy Peace Conference, Feb 24-26 Philadelphia PA
Register GOALS AGENDA TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS HOMESTAYS Join us In Philadelphia PA, February 24-26 Member groups of United For Peace and Justice are gathering with members of Occupy Philly and activists across the spectrum of...
Public Opinion about military Action Against Iran
Public opinion is always hard to gauge, but here are some resources to help us think about what people are thinking and how the peace community should craft our messages to prevent war. Polling.com The polls from this site seemed mix. People are not necessarily for...
Manufacturing the Iran Threat
Here are links to Iranian voices speaking on the threat of war and two articles about the drive to war with Iran. Raising Their Voices: Iranian Civil Society Reflections on the Military Option: If a war were to take place right now, the atmosphere would definitely...
Register for UFPJ’s Occupy Peace Summit! Feb 24-26th
Register GOALS AGENDA TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS HOMESTAYS FOOD If you would like to register for the UFPJ's Occupy Peace Summit please click here! Occupy Peace, a weekend of planning, sharing and training, February 24-26 in...
Keystone XL Rejected (Again)
(originally posted on 350.0rg link here) Bill McKibben just sent this email to 350.org supporters in the United States and Canada Dear Friends We wanted to share with you the news: this afternoon the Obama Administration announced that they are denying the permit for...
New Priorities Network: How do we pay for unemployment insurance and payroll tax cuts?
Media alert #1 - 1/18/2012: We need a break, and as Congress returns to Washington they’re thinking of giving us one. Extended unemployment benefits and payroll tax cuts are on the table again. But check out how they might pay for that. Congress could eliminate...
Protest the Next Nuclear Missile Test at Vandenberg Air Force Base!
On June 22, 2011 the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command launched a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the central coast of California. The missile, carrying a simulated nuclear warhead, traveled 4,200 miles...
Save The Date! UFPJ Member Group Meeting Feb 24-27th
We are writing to invite your organization to participate in Occupy Peace, a weekend of planning, sharing and training, February 24-27 in Philadelphia, PA. It has been a little over three years since United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) had a national strategy...
Human Rights Activist Faces Six Months in Federal Prison for Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Theresa Cusimano will stand trial on Friday, January 13, 2012 for crossing onto the Fort Benning military base in Georgia to protest the continued operation of the notorious School of the Americas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation Theresa will be...
Occupy the Courts with Move to Amend
As we head into the most expensive election in the history of the world, now is the time to get involved. While corporations are pouring millions of dollars into the Presidential campaign, volunteers across the country are pouring countless hours into the movement to...