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A Burst of Anti-Nuclear Activity!
January 22 will mark the first anniversary of entry-into-force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The TPNW prohibits the possession, development, testing, use and threat of use of nuclear weapons for the 59 countries that have so far ratified...
The Poor People’s Campaign: Get it Done in 2021!
Congress has not yet taken action to pass the Build Back Better plan, protect voting rights, advance immigrant rights, fight for the health of the planet, and more. On December 13, United for Peace & Justice partnered with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National...
International Peace & Planet Online Conference Jan. 4, 2022
A recording is now available of the Peace & Planet Online International Conference, “Building our Movements & Impacting the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference,” held January 4, 2022. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) came into effect in...
Guantánamo: 20 Years of Injustice Must End!
Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), the most vocal congressional champion of closing Guantánamo, chaired a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 7. Colleen Kelly a co-founder of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, one of the founding...
Seeding Peacekeepers: Emerging Activists Begin to Prepare Local Projects
United for Peace and Justice’s (UFPJ’s) initial group of emerging activists have now had about two sessions on each on the four big topics of their six-month training program with UFPJ’s National Organizer, George Friday. The topics were chosen to encourage the...
‘Don’t Look Away’—U.S. drones regularly kill civilians throughout the world
No flag is big enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people – Howard Zinn The Ban Killer Drones campaign asked peacemakers to protest drone war on Nov. 29, and PeaceWorks-KC answered the call. Fourteen of us witnessed for peace that day at Whiteman Air Force...
Moral Monday March on Washington Monday, December 13, 2021; 12:00 noon ET Capitol Hill, Washington DC
Congress has not yet taken action to pass the Build Back Better plan, protect voting rights, advance immigrant rights, fight for the health of the planet, and more. United for Peace & Justice is partnering with the Poor People’s Campaign in calling for a...
First Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Branch Human Rights Conference
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 11th, 10AM -2PM Pacific, 1PM – 5PM Eastern Southern Anti Racism Network (SARN) is a new UFPJ member group. The First Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Branch Human Rights Conference, organized by the Fannie Lou Hamer branch of Women’s...
UFPJ Webinar: The Costs of War at Home, recording now available.
Click here for a recording of this webinar. This webinar highlighted UFPJ member groups’ and allies’ work to raise awareness of the impacts of war industries in communities around the U.S., including approaches ranging from focusing on particular armament companies to...
GITMO’s 20th Anniversary Approaches and the Policies of Endless War Persist
Under the George W. Bush Administration at least 780 Muslim men were brought to the prison facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which was opened on January 11, 2002. Today, as GITMO’s 20th anniversary approaches, 39 men remain. Ten have been charged but are...
President Biden and Congress: Listen to the Poor People’s Campaign!
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is keeping up the pressure on President Biden and Congress to pass the Build Back Better Act and voting protections to save our democracy from coordinated attacks across the country. The largest investment...
Poor People’s Campaign Moral Monday: Build Back Better From the Bottom Up!
Get on the Bus! Congress is coming back to DC on Monday, Nov 15 and we need to meet them there to demand they Build Back Better from the Bottom Up and pass voting protections to save our democracy from coordinated attacks across the country. All hands on deck!! This...