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Civics 101: Cutting Defense Means Not Voting for $642.5 Billion for US Military
by Carolyn Eisenberg and Gael Murphy Some readers probably heard on the news how the Democrats were hopping mad when the House Republicans voted recently to overturn the “sequester” on the Pentagon budget, enacted at the end of the year as part of the deficit...
In Chicago, Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans Put NATO’s Endless War on Trial
When the history of our time is written, people will try to explain to each other how the country in which only one member of Congress voted against a blank check for endless war in Afghanistan (and beyond) in 2001 became the country in which the majority of...
A Thank You from the Legislative Working Group
Last week for the first time, the majority of Democrats voted in favor of the Lee Amendment limiting funding for the Afghanistan War to the safe and orderly withdrawal of US troops and security contractors. (101 ayes, 79 Noes). This represents a sea-change of opinion...
$642 billion for the Military? This year? You must be kidding!
As the 2013 National Defense Authorization Bill hits the House floor, the American people should be going through the roof! The FY 2013 military budget (NDAA) is up for a vote in the House this Friday. It contains more than $642 billion of taxpayer money to pay for a...
Why I Interrupted Obama Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan
Counterterrorism adviser John Brennan spoke at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, D.C., on April 30 to mark the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden. It was the first time a high-level member of the Obama administration spoke at...
The Phases of War: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Israel
The Phases of War: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Israel by Phyllis Bennis, April 27, 2012 It certainly doesn’t look much like what we’re seeing in Afghanistan today. A feckless, corrupt, incompetent government kept alive and in place (we can’t really say "in power"...
Obama Comes out in support of Gay Marriage
Obama tells Robin Roberts in ABC News Exclusive Interview, "I think gay couples should be able to get married." For more on this story, click here: http://bit.ly/LQ9lVE
Media Report Back from Bank of America Shareholder Meeting
Video: Critical Mention report: 492 clips http://ctv4.criticalmention.com/playerpage/player?params=Y29sbGVjdGlvbklkPTEzNDg4NCZwYXJ0bmVyVG9rZW49OGE4MDgzNzkzNzA1NTI3NzAxMzczODQwNDhiNTNjMzA= Associated Press - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ldh1_nInaU San Bernardino Sun...
Bank of America Stadium Renamed “Bank of Coal”
As the largest financier of the U.S. coal industry, Bank of America should be called the “Bank of Coal.” So we decided to rename it. Today, five RAN activists scaled Bank of America Stadium and dropped a 70′ x 25′ banner reading “Bank of America Coal.” What better...
Iran War Weekly: April 22, 2012
Hello All – Iran war news this week was focused on last weekend’s talks between the P5+1 and Iran. The P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus Germany) reopened talks with Iran, for the first time in 15 months, over Iran’s alleged violations...
originally posted here When: Sunday May 20 Rally and March 9AM Where: Rally Grant Park South of the Lincoln Monument at (E. Balbo Ave. and S. Columbus Dr.) We, Afghanistan and Iraq veterans, from around the country will converge in Chicago on May 20th to march to the...
Confronting Corporate Power: Bank of America
Converge for Justice Occupy Wall Street, South Break Up BOA’s Business as Usual! May 6-9, Charlotte, NC On May 6-9 people from across the country and world will be converging in Charlotte, NC, home of Bank of America’s Headquarters and their annual Shareholder...