U.S. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Protested at Vandenberg Space Force Base

by MacGregor Eddy February 18, 2025, late at night, a group of seven peace activists gathered at the front gate of Vandenberg Space Force Base in...

Trump Administration Deports Venezuelan Migrants from U.S. Territory to Guantánamo Only to Then Return Them to Venezuela

As abruptly as Trump Administration officials had begun deporting migrants from the U.S, to the Naval Station Guantánamo Bay (NSGB), it changed...

Give Peace AND Justice a Chance

We cannot under estimate the tremendous obstacles and dangers that we must confront in the coming four years. Please contribute to UFPJ today, so...

Webinar Recording: Ending the ‘American War’ in Vietnam: The Impact of the Antiwar Movement and Lessons for the Present

Sep 19, 2024 5:00 PM PDT, 8PM EDT View the webinar here This webinar features Dr. Carolyn “Rusti” Eisenberg discussing her new book, Fire and Rain:...

9/11 Pre-Trial Hearings at Guantanamo Enter Unchartered Legal Territory

Actions in the Guantanamo 9/11 Military Commissions, which have since the arraignment of five men accused of planning and supporting the 9/11...

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Progressive Central 2012

Organizing the progressive way—from the bottom up at the grassroots level—is how we create meaningful change in this country. No one understands this better than the Progressive Democrats of America. Since its founding in 2004, PDA has worked tirelessly to build a...

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Stars Earn Stripes CANCELED!!!

Fifty thousand People signed the  petition at http://StarsEarnStripes.org protesting NBC's war-is-fun "reality" show co-hosted by former general Wesley Clark.  Activists in New York have held a weekly protest and delivered the petitions.  The final protest is at 5...

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March on Wall Street South!

SEPTEMBER 2012: JOIN THE COALITION TO MARCH ON WALL STREET SOUTH — BUILDING PEOPLE’S POWER AT THE DNC IN CHARLOTTE, NC We Demand: **Good jobs for all! Economic justice now — Make the banks and corporations pay for their crisis! **Money for education, health care,...

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March on the RNC Aug 27th

On August 27, 2012, while the Republican National Convention selects a candidate for president, we will be marching in the streets of Tampa, Florida demanding jobs, healthcare, education, equality and peace. We will let the entire world know, “We have had enough of...

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Map of US intervention in Latin America

The bilingual, union-printed Map of U.S. Intervention in Latin America shows historical evidence of persistent, oppressive U.S. foreign policy towards Latin America under Republican and Democratic administrations. The map conveys a powerful message: to create real...

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The fight in the Jeju Islands continues!

The Gangjeong village and their growing team of supporters just organized a peace walk around their entire island.  Almost 1,000 people walked in two groups going east and west.  They met in Jeju City on August 4 for a big rally and concert. Sung-Hee Choi writes from...

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