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Progressive Central 2012
Organizing the progressive way—from the bottom up at the grassroots level—is how we create meaningful change in this country. No one understands this better than the Progressive Democrats of America. Since its founding in 2004, PDA has worked tirelessly to build a...
Can We Abolish Nuclear Weapons Before We Abolish War?
“Can We Abolish Nuclear Weapons Before We Abolish War?” This piece previously appeared in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. In 2011, people across the planet reached out to Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami. Millions watched as one nation after...
Stars Earn Stripes CANCELED!!!
Fifty thousand People signed the petition at http://StarsEarnStripes.org protesting NBC's war-is-fun "reality" show co-hosted by former general Wesley Clark. Activists in New York have held a weekly protest and delivered the petitions. The final protest is at 5...
March on Wall Street South!
SEPTEMBER 2012: JOIN THE COALITION TO MARCH ON WALL STREET SOUTH — BUILDING PEOPLE’S POWER AT THE DNC IN CHARLOTTE, NC We Demand: **Good jobs for all! Economic justice now — Make the banks and corporations pay for their crisis! **Money for education, health care,...
March on the RNC Aug 27th
On August 27, 2012, while the Republican National Convention selects a candidate for president, we will be marching in the streets of Tampa, Florida demanding jobs, healthcare, education, equality and peace. We will let the entire world know, “We have had enough of...
Map of US intervention in Latin America
The bilingual, union-printed Map of U.S. Intervention in Latin America shows historical evidence of persistent, oppressive U.S. foreign policy towards Latin America under Republican and Democratic administrations. The map conveys a powerful message: to create real...
The fight in the Jeju Islands continues!
The Gangjeong village and their growing team of supporters just organized a peace walk around their entire island. Almost 1,000 people walked in two groups going east and west. They met in Jeju City on August 4 for a big rally and concert. Sung-Hee Choi writes from...
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony: Live Broadcast August 5/6, 2012
On Monday August 6, the 67th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony will be broadcast live via the internet. Watch live from the U.S. on Sunday August 5 (ceremony in Japanese only) PDT: 3:50 pm – 4:50...
Time to Phase Out Nuclear Power and Start a Treaty to Ban The BOMB!
NUCLEAR-FREE FUTURE MONTH: August 6th and 9th 2012 will mark the 67th anniversaries of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A year and a half ago, the nuclear disaster at Fukushima once again brought the dangers of nuclear technology to the center of...
Unchecked Pentagon Spending Threatens Our National Security
Statement from United for Peace and Justice on the FY2013 Pentagon House Appropriations House of Representatives Should Vote: “YES” for Jobs Program, Federal Aid to States and Vital Social Services! “NO” on current proposed FY 2013 Pentagon Budget! Congress is poised...
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Strong New Mayors for Peace Resolution
At the close of its 80th annual meeting in Orlando Florida, on June 16, 2012, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) unanimously adopted a strong, comprehensive, new Mayors for Peace resolution Calling for U.S. Leadership in Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and...
Israeli Settlers Shoot Palestinians In Presence Of Army and Police
Israeli settlers have been caught on camera firing live ammunition at Palestinians in the West Bank while soldiers stood right next to the shooters. The video was filmed Saturday by volunteers from the Israeli human rights group B'etslem. On the video armed and masked...