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Robert Naiman Will Take Your Petition Against Drone Strikes to Pakistan
Next week, Just Foreign Policy's Policy Director, Robert Naiman, is traveling to Pakistan as part of a peace delegation to call for an end to U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan. He plans to deliver a petition from Americans to the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan and to Pakistani...
Trans Canada should be Ashamed!
Yesterday, we learned that Texas police applied sustained chokeholds, violent arm-twisting, pepper spray, and multiple uses of tasers to move two peaceful tar sands protesters—all at the behest of TransCanada employees. On Monday, eight brave people climbed trees on...
Occupy and the Next Big Thing
“This is no winter now. The frozen misery Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move; The thunder is the thunder of the floes, The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring. Thank God our time is now when wrong Comes up to face us everywhere, Never to leave until we take...
One Place to Cut Spending: Kidnapping and Torture
I know it seems like more of a noble sacrifice to cut spending on things people less fortunate than ourselves need, but can somebody explain to me why it wouldn't be at least that noble to eliminate the budget of the CIA, which serves no one? The Washington Post and...
Keep Space for Peace Week: October 6-13, 2012
International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space No Missile Defense End Afghanistan War No to NATO Expansion Stop the Drones Convert the Military Industrial Complex Bring Our War $$ Home No Nuclear Power in Space or on Earth End...
Iran War Weekly September 16, 2012
In 1947 the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists first placed a clock on its cover, with the hands at seven minutes before midnight. Nuclear war was that close, the atomic scientists thought. And over the past 65 years the hands of the clock have moved back and forth,...
“Peace Makers” Earn Stripes: Congratulations You Made This Happen!
Sending Congratulations and Many Thanks to the 50,000 peacemakers who signed RootsAction.org petition calling for an end to NBC’s Reality Show “Stars Earn Stripes” -a show that distorted the reality of war. NBC has ended “Stars Earn Stripes” with no intention of...
No To Five More Years of Wiretapping!
The House of Representatives will be voting on a bill that would extend the NSA's warrantless wiretap program for another 5 years. Tell them NO! Congress passed the FAA (FISA Amendments Act) in 2008, in effect legalizing President Bush's controversial warrantless...
The rage of Benjamin Netanyahu is beginning to become a bore. And his supporters, particularly in the United States, are carving a new standard in well-to-do, over-educated, arrogant ignorance. These people want the United States to go to war with Iran today, or...
Check out UFPJ’s New Brochure!
Click here to download the UFPJ Brochure!
Please sign the petition to stop the deportation from Canada of Iraq war Kimberly Rivera!!!
Please sign the petition to stop the deportation from Canada of Iraq war Kimberly Rivera!!! Stop the deportation from Canada of Iraq war resister Kimberly Rivera On September 20, my husband and I, and our four young children, could be deported from Canada. Across the...
Make Climate Change a Presidential Election Issue.
Just Two Weeks Left To Sign The Presidential Candidate Climate Emergency Petition! Do you think the next President of the United States should acknowledge and have a plan for addressing climate disruption for the sake of the American people, future...