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News stories and commentaries on Helsinki 2012 Conference
Announcements made on the Helsinki '2012 Conference', British American Security Information Council (BASIC), Nov. 26, 2012 The long-awaited announcements on the delay to the Helsinki ‘2012 Conference’ on a nuclear and other WMD free zone in the Middle East came out...
Sign the Jobs Not Wars Petition!
On Election Day, the American people voted and made their voices heard. We rejected deficit reduction at the expense of working & middle class Americans, the poor & elderly. We rejected more tax breaks for large corporations and the wealthy. Corporations and...
Celebrating 10 Years; Building for Our Post-Election Future
On October 25, 2002 in Washington D.C., more than 70 peace and justice organizations initiated United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), a new coalition to coordinate opposition to President George W. Bush’s Global War on Terror, at that time focused on the war on Iraq....
UFPJ is featured in the Black Commentator
The cover story in the Nov. 1 edition of the Black Commentator praises United for Peace and Justice’s (UFPJ’s) Open Letter to President Obama and the U.S. Congress in support of a UN conference on establishment of a zone free on nuclear and other weapons of mass...
Open Letter to President Obama and the U.S. Congress
Iran has attacked no one, yet both the United States and Israel continue to threaten Iran with a military attack unless Iran agrees to halt uranium enrichment. While it appears that the imminent danger of war has receded, during the most recent Presidential debate,...
Vietnam veteran Mike Hastle is arrested at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza
Twenty-five people, most of them U.S. military veterans, were arrested while laying flowers at a war memorial in New York City Oct. 7. They were engaged in a peaceful vigil to honor those killed and wounded in war and to oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan as it...
UFPJ Joins Coalition on Human Needs’ Letter to Every Member of Congress
The Coalition on Human Needs' (CHN) -- SAVE for All (Strengthening America’s Values and Economy for All Campaign http://www.chn.org/save4all/index.html), is organized around the following 4 principles: -- Protecting low- and moderate-income people in budget and...
UFPJ Applauds Dennis Kucinich for Leading Defeat of Bill in U.S. House of Representatives to Establish Manhattan Project National Park
On September 20, Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich led a successful bipartisan effort to defeat a bill in Congress that would have established a new national park celebrating the technological achievements of the Manhattan Project. The park would include sites in...
This year’s Vigil and set of events will mark the biggest anti-militarization gathering after the November presidential elections Columbus, Georgia – During the 16th-18th of November, thousands of people will gather in Fort Benning, Georgia, to demand the closing of...
Solidarity Rallies Abound in Support of Tar Sands Blockade
At lunchtime yesterday in Washington, DC, nearly 50 people gathered in front of the American Petroleum Institute (API) to bring attention to the increased violence against peaceful protesters in Winnsboro, Texas, and the need to halt the construction of the Keystone...
Rein in Profits of Major Pentagon Contractors
In spite of the recession, major military contractors have realized substantial – even excessive – profits throughout the last decade. Spending on procurement from these contractors and others amounted to roughly a trillion dollars between 2001 and 2010.1 Stock prices...
Afghanistan- 11 Years too long!
These New York events are planned for the somber occasion of 11 full years at war in Afghanistan – America’s longest war. Wednesday, October 3 4:30 PM-5:30 PM Rockefeller Plaza, Manhattan 5th Ave. between 49th & 50th Sts. Grandmothers Against the War Vigil for...