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Global Day of Action on Military Spending
This April 15th join millions of people around the world to focus public, political, and media attention on the waste, fraud and abuse of military spending and the need for new spending priorities. Carved into the stone of the IRS building is the Oliver Wendell Holmes...
Let Us Remember King by Making His Dream a Reality
Today marks the 45th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of history’s greatest champions for peace and justice. Dr. King died working to bring about his vision of a just and peaceful world. Killed in Memphis TN by an assassin’s bullet, King was...
Ten years later the U.S. is still at war and UFPJ is still needed!
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Ten years ago the peace and anti-war movements warned the leaders of the global community that war was not the answer, and that war once unleashed would bring only destruction and death. United...
Ten Years of War: Stories from the Frontlines in SF
March 19th is the 10th Anniversary of the commencement of the War in Iraq: A war that ended quietly in December 2011 and was quickly and deeply forgotten by many. It's consequences, though, are far-reaching and very present. As we reach the watermark of a decade since...
(After 10 years of destruction and corruption in Iraq) Our only hope is in a cultural and political revolution
Yanar Mohammed, Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq President March 2, 2013 - The International Women’s Day celebration this year coincides with the tenth anniversary of the tragic attack of the US war-machine on millions of unsuspecting Iraqi civilians, causing...
A Call from the Peace and Justice Community to Reject Nomination of John Brennan as Director of the CIA
As representatives of various peace and justice communities, we are deeply concerned about the nomination of John Brennan to be at the helm of the CIA. As President Obama’s current counterterrorism advisor, Brennan is the mastermind behind the administration’s lethal...
Greater New Haven Peace Council Update
Over the last half year and into the coming spring, the Greater New Haven Peace Council is bringing the message of peace and social justice to our schools and schools around the world and to the voters and of New Haven. On Sept. 21, International Day of Peace,...
50th Anniversary March on Washington
August 24th Carry a Banner for Peace: 50th Anniversary March on Washington March in Washington DC on October 24th for justice, peace and in the memory of Trayvon Martin. We march to end violence and for peace at home abroad. We march for economic, social, racial and...
Sign the Jobs Not Wars Petition and Join the June 21st-July 3rd actions
We need your help. Become a part of this movement to Rebuild our Country - Move our Tax Dollars from the Pentagon to Job Creation and Human Needs. We need a new set of priorities that place the needs of the people ahead of the profits of the privileged. Peace and...
UFPJ Featured in the NY Daily News!
Grassroots groups unite to petition Obama and Congress: Create jobs, end the Afghanistan war United for Peace and Justice, U.S, Labor Against the War and 54 other groups have signed onto the Jobs Not Wars petition; they plan to send it to the White House and Congress...
Sign the Jobs Not Wars Petition!
On Election Day, the American people voted and made their voices heard. We rejected deficit reduction at the expense of working & middle class Americans, the poor & elderly. We rejected more tax breaks for large corporations and the wealthy. Corporations and...
Tell the President and Congress to “take ‘all options are on the table’ off the table”!
Iran has attacked no one, yet both the United States and Israel continue to threaten Iran with a military attack unless Iran agrees to halt uranium enrichment. While it appears that the imminent danger of war has receded, during the Presidential debates, President...