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Tell President Obama: The time is right and the world is ready to negotiate the elimination of nuclear weapons!
Click here to sign the petition. First, the good news: In May, a new United Nations working group began meeting in Geneva “to develop proposals to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations for the achievement and maintenance of a world without nuclear...
August 24th Carry a Banner for Peace: 50th Anniversary March on Washington
Jobs Justice Freedom 50th Anniversary March on Washington I Have A Dream On August 24th peace and anti-war activist are gathering in DC to remember the historic March on Washington 50 years ago and to give voice to calls to end the plague of war, the injustice of...
Listen to the June 26th Phone Panel Discussion: Crisis in Syria: What’s Happening Now and What Next?
The war in Syria is worsening and President Obama has pledged to help arm the opposition to President Assad. At this point even though the vast majority of U.S. citizens do not want to intervene, President Obama has promised small arms. But war-hawks want to go...
Celebrating the Life and Work of Charley Richardson: Co-Founder MFSO
A life celebration for Charley Richardson, co-founder of Military Families Speak Out will be held this Saturday in Boston. Charley died May 4, 2013. UFPJ salutes Charley Richardson and his work for peace and justice. Below is a statement from MFSO. Military Families...
Iran and Syria: The Next War and Prospects for Peace?
United for Peace and Justice is working closely Veterans For Peace and several member groups to conduct a series of forums in North Jersey and New York City. The forums will engage and inform the public about the ongoing conflict between the United States and Israel...
Jobs-Not -Wars organizers are moving to the streets to take action.
We are excited about the success of the Jobs Not Wars petition in bringing together the voices of tens of thousands of people to ensure Congress and the President heard our call for a redirection of our nation’s resources from war and Pentagon spending to fund job...
It is time to stop our killing to stop the killing.
It has been one month since the Boston Marathon bombing. United for Peace and Justice is deeply saddened by the attack and hope that the families and victims are finding some healing and peace. UFPJ stands in solidarity with them and all victims of political violence...
United for Peace and Justice 2013 Priorities
Support UFPJ work: Donate today! I. Strengthening our network: To strengthen our network, UFPJ must increase it fundraising and outreach efforts. UFPJ will contact our member groups to reaffirm their affiliation, strengthen bonds and create renewed...
Cindy Sheehan’s Tour de Peace bike
To commemorate the death of her son Casey, and to demand real change in Washington DC and the nation, Cindy Sheehan has initiated a cross country bicycle peace ride from Vacaville, CA to Washington DC. Her son Casey is buried in the Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery in...
Prevent a nuclear catastrophe: Back to the negotiating table!
Many of us are scared about the heightened tension in the conflict on the Korean peninsula. A way to deal with that fear is to act. We invite you to join us in calling on the heads of states party to the Six-Nation-Initiative – the USA, North Korea, South Korea,...
Call for Nuclear Sanity!
In the past few years there’s been a lot of nice sounding rhetoric about eliminating nuclear weapons uttered by President Obama and various senior statesmen. Unfortunately, the rhetoric doesn’t match the reality. At the time of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 President’s...
UJP (Boston) helps start up Eastern Massachusetts Anti-Drones Network
United for Justice with Peace (Boston) is a founding member of the Eastern Massachusetts Anti-Drones Network, which is an affiliate of the national network. The US government's use of drones is a key tactic in the new strategy of covert, hi-tech war abroad and...