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Take Action: No U.S. Military Intervention in Syria
As UFPJ honors the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, U.S. Navy Ships approach Syria with the threat of an imminent attack. We can’t help but think back to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King about the travesty of war. Dr. King stated that “Our lives...
No U.S. Military Intervention in Syria Posters
Please click image to download poster.
Original Art for 50th Anniversary of March on Washington
Shawn G. Hart is an artist and scholar from Washington, D.C. She is company owner of BBS-Baker By Shawn. After earning the Master of Fine Arts degree from Howard University and completing her thesis titled“Josephine Baker Creating An American Icon Through A...
Commemorate 50 Years of Marching for Justice
Please join United for Peace and Justice in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 24th in our nation’s capital. We need a strong peace and anti-war contingent to echo King’s words about the inextricable links between racism, poverty...
Continuing to Build the Dream
Please join United for Peace and Justice in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 24th in our nation’s capital. We need a strong peace and anti-war contingent to speak to the injustices faced by marchers in 1963, and those...
Posters for the March on Washington
Check out these posters to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. Download and print to spread the message of working for peace and justice We need your help to print posters for the August 24th March. Donate here today! Click on the images...
Marching for Peace on Washington Planning Call
Join us for the latest information and planning for the Aug 24th March on Washington Next call is Aug 14, 2013 Notes from the last call Weds Aug 7, 2013 Click Here Marching for Justice with Peace: Join Our Conference Call at 6:00 pm to get plugged in! Conference...
August: A Time for Action
Click Here to Donate Today! Dear Peace and Justice Activist, This August is shaping up into an extraordinary month for action! Last week UFPJ brought you information about Nuclear Free Future Month with opportunities to phase out nuclear power and start negotiations...
Stop Funding War Business As Usual! CALL-IN TODAY 202-224-3121
Voting on 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill may come as early as Tuesday afternoon STOP FUNDING WAR BUSINESS AS USUAL! Call your Representative! Time to stop favoring the Pentagon over urgent human needs at home. Ask Them to Vote NO! on HR 2397. Call 202 224...
Follow this link to sign the petition. TO: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS We urge you to reject any military intervention in Syria, including arming the rebels or creating a no-fly zone, and instead to focus on increasing humanitarian assistance...
HR 2937 FY 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill ($598.1 billion) will come to the floor the beginning of next week
July 17, 2013 The word is that HR 2937 FY 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill ($598.1 billion) will come to the floor the beginning of next week. As of yesterday, 155 amendments to the bill have been submitted. For the list : http://rules.house.gov/bill/hr-2397 Some of...
Urgent We Need Your Help: E-mail and Web Communications Rates are Doubling
Recent events have shown how vitally important it is for peace and justice activists and organizations to be informed and connected. Escalating violence in Syria, the hunger strike at Guantanamo, attacks on our privacy and civil liberties – UFPJ has been able to...