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A Letter from Leslie Cagan, Phyllis Bennis, Bill Fletcher & Other UFPJ Founders
Friends and Members, Let's not beat around the bush. We're writing this letter to encourage you to make a donation to United for Peace and Justice, a generous donation. As the world watched the U.S. get ready to go to war against Iraq, we were part of the small group...
The Drone Issue
In response to the attacks of 9/11 drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, UASs) became a key component in the US covert "war on terror". Sent mostly to surveil "terrorist activity" in the middle East, south Asia and Africa, more and more weaponized drones have been...
Call on the White House to Exit Afghanistan NOW!
After 12 years in Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history, it is time for our troops and contractors to come home now – leaving no one behind. Secretary of State John Kerry and President Hamid Karzai are finalizing negotiations to keep as many as 10,000 troops in...
Nov. 22-24: Close the SOA, Resist Militarization
Click here for more information about the November Vigil at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia The American people are decisively rejecting the “military solutions” approach of the Pentagon-driven U.S. foreign policy. Let's build on that! Mass mobilizations of people...
VIDEO–National Teach-In on Syria & U.S. Policy in the Region (Updated)
Again, thanks to everyone who made our Oct. 8th Syria teach-in the success that it was. Each of the panelists did a great job!! Because the presentations were so packed with useful information and insightful, we hope you encourage folks to take the time to watch...
Antiwar Mobilization Thwarts Syria Attack — for now!
“Military might is not what defines a superpower. You have to have super patience. You have to have super negotiating power and diplomatic resources. And you have to have super humanitarian aid where needed. We have the possibility of doing all of that.” ...
Pressure Congress Now: Prevent US Use of Military Force in Syria
Grass-roots organization against the use of force in Syria has increased over the weekend and is likely to grow during the next few days. As of now, it is still expected that both the Senate and House will vote this week, although this could change especially if it...
Leslie Cagan: Take Action NOW, Prevent US Military Disaster in Syria
If you've seen or heard the news any time in the last 24 hours you know the dynamics around a possible military strike by the U.S. against Syria are in flux. There are important developments within the international community, developments which might lead to a...
Check for Stop U.S. Attack on Syria Rallies in Your Area
Here's a list of Actions around the country that are taking place this week to oppose a US strike against Syria. To add your action click here. ARIZONA Flagstaff, AZ Tue. Sept 3, 4 pm Flagstaf City Hall Lawn Tucson, AZ Friday, Sep 13, 5:00pm See FB event for...
Act Now to Stop U.S. War with Syria
Once again the President is leading a rush into war. He is demanding Congress give him speedy authorization to launch attacks, on Syria this time, to punish and deter chemical weapons use. Once again, the case for going to war is sketchy, and the U.S. government is...
Syria Resources
Regarding the facts: Talking Points from Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project Institute for Policy Studlies Tom Hayden - A Call for Forceful Diplomacy http://www.pdamerica.org/component/k2/item/1809-tom-hayden-a-call-for-forceful-diplomacy 9 Ways...
Talking Points: Potential consequences – The Day Of U.S. Military Strike on Syria (Why Not Attack)
Military strike would be illegal – UN Charter allows military force only if immediate self-defense (Art 51), not applicable, the U.S. not attacked by Syria; or if Security Council agrees (Chapter VII, Art 42) – not going to happen – Russian veto, probably Chinese,...