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Challenges for the Peace Movement: Update on US policy towards Iran and ISIS
On January 14, 2015, UFPJ, with PDA, hosted a national briefing call, addressing Challenges for the Peace Movement: Update on US policy towards Iran and ISIS. Jamal Abdi (National Iranian American Council) gave us an update on the Iranian negotiations and Raed Jarrar...
State of the Dream 2015: Underbanked & Overcharged,
Even though it has been 51 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously shared his dream of an America made available to all, regardless of skin color or economic status, we are still fighting for many of the same principles that the Civil Rights Movement stood...
“As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most...
No Bombing, No War!
Once again the American people have been summoned to wage war against a dangerous “terrorist” adversary –this time it's the Islamic State (ISIL). Again, we are told this enemy is uniquely evil and that U.S. military force is the only solution. And while the Obama...
Spring Moblization for a nuclear-free, fair, democratic, ecologically sustainable and peaceful future
On the heels of the September 21 People’s Climate March, a broad international network of NGOs is marking the first United Nations-led International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons by announcing plans for a major mobilization in the run-up to the...
Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization
IPB's new paper released: 17 September 2014. The draft working paper entitled 'Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization: Reducing Militarism and Military Expenditures to Invest in the UN Green Climate Fund and to Create Low-Carbon Economies and Resilient Communities'...
United for Peace and Justice [UFPJ] 2014 Annual Report
2014 was a devastating year in terms of the challenges to global peace and justice – the rise of ISIS and the humanitarian and human rights crises in Syria and Iraq; tensions between Russia and the U.S. and its NATO allies centered on the conflict in Ukraine; tensions...
Listen to: National Briefing Call: A Weekend of Resistance in Ferguson, MO – October 10-13
On Oct. 7, UFPJ held a national briefing call featuring Michael McPhearson,Veterans for Peace Interim Executive Director and former UFPJ National Coordinator, who discussed plans for the Oct. 10 – 13 Weekend of Resistance in Ferguson, Missouri, and how the movements...
Join IVAW’s 10th Anniversary Gala Oct. 2 in NYC
Iraq Veterans Against the War is having their 10th Anniversary gala this week. We hope that you will consider joining us this Thursday evening, October 2, 2014, 6pm, at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Manhattan. Ten years ago 6 members of the US...
All Out for the NYC People’s Climate March!
“We call on all who want to preserve our planet to join the People’s Climate March in New York City onSeptember 21st, which is also the International Day of Peace, and to form a Stop the Wars, Stop the Warming Contingent.” (Click here to read and sign the...
Stop the Wars, Stop the Warming– People’s Climate March Sept. 21!!
We are at a crossroads, faced with a climate crisis that threatens to end our world as we know it. We can’t afford the greenhouse gas emissions from the way we live and from war and preparations for war. We must end the fossil fuel energy economy which war protects....
UFPJ Sponsors People’s Climate March!
Here's some very exciting news! UFPJ will have a strong presence in New York City over the People’s Climate March weekend, September 20-22. The whole spectrum of the Progressive Movement – environmental, labor, peace, interfaith, anti-nuclear, racial and economic...