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Sign the Peace & Planet Petition for Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the United States atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It also marks 45 years since the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) entered into force, obligating all States parties to undertake good faith negotiations for the...
Join IVAW and AFSC this Sunday In San Francisco
Who: AFSC/ IVAW What: Iraq: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? Where: Quaker Meeting house 65 9th street San Francisco When: 3/29/2015, 5:00:00 PM On the 12th year of the U.S. War in Iraq, two presenters will lead a discussion on what’s next: Wardah Khalid is a...
UFPJ Statement: Moving Away From War in Ukraine
The Ukraine conflict continues to fester, raising tensions in the region to levels not seen since the Cold War. Now the warring parties have agreed to a ceasefire and an approach to further negotiations towards a political solution. Despite this opportunity to move...
Member Group Actions on Anniversary of US Invasion of Iraq
In our Spring call-to-action, UFPJ announced a series of coordinated peace and justices events leading up to a mass mobilization. One of the dates we have encouraged member groups to organize around is March 19. Please check out these antiwar events recognizing the...
Tell Your Senators: Don’t Wreck Diplomacy with Iran! 202-224-3121
Last week, 47 Republicans Senators took the shocking step of sending an "open letter" to Iranian leaders aimed at blowing up the nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers including the United States.* This follows closely on House Speaker Boehner’s unprecedented...
Deepening Anti-racism Work in the Peace Movement
The following is a statement made by Michael McPhearson, former UFPJ Coordinator and the Executive Director of Veterans for Peace. January 22, 2015 I have been asked to make comments about deepening anti-racism work in the peace movement. Perhaps another way to...
Member Groups: Tell Us About Your March 19 Events
March 19 marks the 12th anniversary of “Shock and Awe,” the US-led attack on Iraq that kicked off the “global war on terror.” We encourage our member groups to commemorate this date with local candlelight vigils, demonstrations, direct actions, and discussions about...
UFPJ Endorses Jewish Voice for Peace’s March 4 Protest of Netanyahu Speech to Congress
United for Peace and Justice has endorsed the following event. Please share this information to encourage others to participate and attend the demonstration, if possible. The announcement from Jewish Voice for Peace can be found below. In peace and solidarity, UFPJ...
UFPJ Opposes New Request for Authorization for Use of Military Force
On February 17, 2015, Code Pink organized a press conference at the Oakland, California Federal Building, calling for opposition to a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force and the end to endless war in the Middle East and beyond. Speakers included WSLF...
Download UFPJ’s Call to Action! “Time for Global Super Power for Peace and Justice to Rise Again!”
Click here to download the printable PDF version of this statement, for distribution.
Time for the Global Super Power for Peace and Justice to Rise Again! Take Action on February 15 and Beyond…
Download the printable PDF version of this statement, for distribution. On February 15, 2003, the world said no to war. Over 20 million people in at least 600 cities around the world took to the streets to oppose the impending invasion and occupation of Iraq, giving...
Protect US Nuclear Diplomacy with Iran, Netanyahu Stay Home!
The last thing the world needs is another Middle East confrontation. Yet there are politicians in both political parties, who seem determined to create one. Although the international negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program have made significant...