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It’s No Time for Peace Organizing to Slow Down!
It may be summertime, but that doesn’t mean that UFPJ's taking a holiday. Between the racist killings and harassment on our streets, endless U.S. wars abroad, and military games being conducted by nuclear armed states, we are campaigning tirelessly and creatively to...
The Imperative of Nuclear Disarmament & New Priorities in an Increasingly Dangerous World
The following call was recorded on July 20, 2016. Our presenters were: Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation; North American Coordinator, Mayors for Peace; Abolition 2000 “founding mother”, and National Co-convener, United for Peace and...
Get Involved in Peace and Justice ACTIONS in Philadelphia!
Activists from around the country are meeting at the RNC and DNC conventions to continue the struggle against endless war, to demand a more livable future, and to defend our planet. We have reached out to UFPJ Member Groups to compile a list of events that are being...
August is “Nuclear-Free Future Month”
On August 6 and 9, the 71st anniversaries of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we encourage you to highlight the growing dangers of wars among nuclear-armed states and the imperative of nuclear disarmament as you commemorate those horrific events....
PETITION: Tell the President, “Bring ALL Troops Home From Afghanistan!”
On July 6, President Obama announced his intention to maintain 8,400 troops on the ground and in harms way in Afghanistan. United for Peace and Justice opposes this continuation of ENDLESS WAR that has neither reduced incidences of terrorism throughout the world, nor...
Take Action Against NATO, July 8-10!
No to NATO! No to War! Global Call for Peace Movement Action, July 8-10 (During the NATO Counter-Summit in Warsaw) Demonstration at the Army Recruiting Center, Times Square, NYC, Saturday, July 9, 2PM Click here to see the call for international action from June 8-10 ...
VIDEO: No to NATO / No to War! Panel Presentation
NATO is an imperial alliance. Beyond the ostensible goal of containing the USSR, now Russia, NATO reinforces US interventions across the Middle East and North Africa. With the war against Serbia, NATO began wars violating the UN charter, followed by Afghanistan, Iraq,...
US Conference of Mayors Unanimously Adopt Resolution to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons & Redirect Spending to Meet Human Needs
www.mayorsforpeace.org www.2020visioncampaign,org For immediate release: June 28, 2016 Contact: Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace North American Coordinator, (510) 306-0119; wslf@earthlink.net U.S. Conference...
Report Back: UFPJ Tackles Forever War & Nuclear/NATO Threat at Left Forum 2016 (Video)
Exactly one month ago, United for Peace and Justice participated in the Left Forum 2016 in New York City. The Left Forum is one of the largest gatherings of radicals and leftists in the United States, with thousands of participants and hundreds of workshops, panels,...
Statement: “We Must Affirm the Rights & Humanity of All Individuals”
As a 9/11 family member, whose sister died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, my first response to yesterday’s tragedy at the Pulse Club in Orlando can only be profound grief and compassion. Fifteen years ago, I lived through the shock, horror, and...
Send a Letter to the Editor on Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima
Thanks again for signing our letter to President Obama, calling on him to make his visit to Hiroshima a meaningful step toward the elimination of nuclear weapons. We delivered the letter, with nearly 1500 signatures, before Obama spoke in Hiroshima. Right up until the...
UFPJ Delivers Letter w/ 1,500 Signatures to POTUS Ahead of Hiroshima Visit
Click here for a PDF copy of the Press Release: https://www.unitedforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/UFPJ-Press-Release-5_26-Obama-in-Hiroshima.pdf Click here for a PDF copy of the Signed Letter to President...