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Standing Up to Nuclear Threats is Our Job
Last week, the majority of the world’s nations voted in the UN General Assembly to conduct negotiations in 2017 on a treaty to outlaw nuclear weapons, an historic development. Nuclear-armed nations: the U.S., Russia, Britain and France vociferously opposed the...
In Solidarity & Action: UFPJ’s 2016 Annual Report
As 2016 ends, UFPJ looks back on a year of educating, organizing and protest that included our presence at Standing Rock, participation in the Iraq Tribunal, challenging weapons sales to the Saudi government, protesting both presidential candidates, raising the alarm...
RSVP for Defeating Trumpism National Organizing Call
Please sign up to join our call by filling out the form and clicking ¨Send RSVP¨ and we'll e-mail you all the call in details you'll need to participate.
National Briefing Call on Standing Rock Solidarity
One of the most important struggles of our time is unfolding before our eyes and we refuse to sit on the sidelines. Listen to find out how you can support those on the front lines at Standing Rock with more than just a click. Sign our petition here and listen below....
The #IraqTribunal will be livestreaming beginning at 9:30AM. UFPJ is proud to be a part of this important project led by CodePink. Many UFPJ leaders and allies will be featured in the Tribunal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A31omU-YMyc
PETITION: We Stand with Standing Rock: Stop DAPL! End the Violence! Honor Treaties!
Militarized police (from Indiana, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wyoming) have taken a side and are organizing with DAPL and the National Guard to suppress Indigenous Peoples and their supporters, initiating unwarranted violent force against...
Keep UFPJ Peace Protectors on the Front Line in Standing Rock
Right now, we are hoping to raise $8,000 to provide much needed support and supplies to on-the-ground peace and water protectors. We've already raised about $5,000 so far. Your donation will help to bring more peace and justice protectors from across the country to...
TESTIFY! People’s Tribunal on the Iraq War, Dec. 1-2
UFPJ is asking our activists and member groups to submit testimony on the People's Tribunal on the Iraq War. After 14 years of costly war based on lies, it’s time for truth and accountability. The People's Tribunal on the Iraq War will unify the global anti-war/peace...
Nov. 15: Stand with Standing Rock in Your Community! #NoDAPL
UFPJ is on-the-ground at Standing Rock and reaching out to our activists around the country to participate in solidarity actions on November 15, 2016. Indigenous leaders are calling on us to take to the streets and disrupt "business-as-usual" one week after the...
If this Election Made You Sick, the Peace Pledge is Your Cure
Today we are confronted with a new reality. And we cannot sit back. When we launched the Peace Pledge, we recognized that whichever pro-war candidate was elected, we would need to rebuild a strong movement for peace and justice, for the long term. The Peace Pledge...
Have Your Group Endorse the Peace Pledge
Last week, the Peace Pledge-UFPJ's campaign to get the White House out of the war business- got a resounding endorsement from Noam Chomsky. Now, we are calling on groups around the country to give organizational endorsements to the campaign! We are asking for your...
This is an urgent announcement for an imminent action in New York City. Please take a moment to RSVP and share it widely with your groups and peace contacts. ANTIWAR ACTION IN NYC WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 AT 2PM! From: Times Square Army Recruiting Station To: Trump and...