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PETITION: Block War Funding in Syria– Improve Diplomacy With Russia
UFPJ is pleased to join our peace movement partners in supporting a joint petition to Congress to block war funding. The petition urges Congress to "enact legislation to block the use of any U.S. taxpayer funds for continuing warfare, directly or by proxy, in Syria."...
[LISTEN] National No to NATO, No to War! Briefing Call with European Allies
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a dangerous, aggressive and outdated alliance with its roots in the cold war. NATO is an imperial and nuclear force. It’s expansion to Russia’s borders, in violation of an agreement between President Bush and Gorbachev...
In mid-March, President Trump released his proposed $1 trillion federal budget. The proposed Trump Budget, while increasing the Pentagon’s war budget by $54 billion and allocating $1.4 billion to upgrade the U.S. nuclear arsenal (under the Department of Energy),...
People’s Climate March: Peace & Justice Contingent Highlights Undeniable Link Between Militarism & Climate Change
Are your protest signs and marching shoes ready? The People's Climate March is happening on April 29! There will be rallies, marches, and actions around the world. Do you know where to find your local meet-up or how to join the peace and justice contingent converging...
[Action Alert] Diplomacy, Not War on the Korean Peninsula
Amidst speculation about a potentially imminent nuclear weapon or missile test by North Korea, tensions on the Korean peninsula are rising to the highest level in decades, as US and North Korean officials posit threats and counter-threats of pre-emptive military...
Join the ‘Peace Hub’ of the People’s Climate March
On April 29, the People's Climate March will shake Washington. Sister marches will span cities across the US, and around the globe. Peace and justice activists everywhere will raise our voices together to say: "Stop the Wars, Save the Planet!" UFPJ has been organizing...
Defund War! Join Global Days of Action on Military Spending in Your Community, April 18-28
This week peace activists around the planet are participating in events to protest the military budgets that wreak destruction and rob human needs programs. Join the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), April 18-28, in your community. We must act boldly...
Host or Attend a Rapid Response Action to Protest US Military Action in Syria
Peace and Justice activists are taking to the streets to protest the illegal and dangerous US military action in Syria. UFPJ is calling for local actions across the country to stop US military involvement in Syria! Read our statement from earlier today. Act now, to...
Stop US Military Action In Syria. Call the White House & Congress
Once again, the United States is sliding towards a wider war in the Middle East. Only two days after the first allegations of the use of chemical weapons against a village in Syria, the United States has attacked an air base in Syria with more than fifty sea launched...
VIDEO: UFPJ Co-Convener Jackie Cabasso Addresses the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty Conference
Last week, United for Peace and Justice had an active presence at the historic United Nations conference to negotiate a legally-binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons. The conference was mandated by a UN General Assembly resolution adopted in December of last...
A Call to Conscience. MLK’s Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence. Relevance to U.S. Wars and Militarism Today
50 years ago, on April 4, 1967 at Riverside Church, in NYC, Martin Luther King delivered his powerful and most controversial speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence”. No longer willing to keep silent about the immorality of the Vietnam War, knowing the...
LISTEN: National Briefing Call on Confronting Islamophobia
Listen to UFPJ's Confronting Islamophobia Working Group, allies, and activists from around the country, for an informative briefing and dialogue on current and imminent attacks against targeted communities. Our experienced panelists lead a discussion on what we can do...