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Trump’s Refusal to Certify Iran’s Performance under Nuclear Agreement
While attention has been focused on the Trump administration’s dangerous nuclear confrontation with North Korea, another Trump action is adding fuel to a spreading conflagration on the other side of the world, in the Middle East. In October, President Trump refused to...
Stop War with North Korea: Take Action on Veterans/Armistice Day Nov. 11
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month was the day that the Armistice between WWI Allies and Germany went into effect in 1918. World War I or the War to End All Wars was fought from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918 mobilizing 70 million military...
Congratulating AFL-CIO for Adopting Resolution 50: War is Not the Answer
United for Peace and Justice congratulates the AFL-CIO for adopting Resolution 50: War is Not the Answer at its recent convention, on October 25, 2017. In Resolution 50, “[T]he AFL-CIO calls upon the president and Congress to bring the war dollars home and make our...
Action On Armistice Day
By Thea Paneth,UFPJ Coordinating Committee Member & Boston Area OrganizerThe eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month was the day that the Armistice between WWI Allies and Germany went into effect in 1918. World War I or the War To End All Wars was...
Sign The People’s Peace Treaty with North Korea
Alarmed by the threat of a nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea, UFPJ and other concerned U.S. peace groups have come together to send an open message to Washington and Pyongyang that we are strongly opposed to any resumption of the horrific Korean War....
End U.S. Responsibility for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen (2015-now)
Crisis in Yemen continues with tens of thousands of people killed, 19 million people on the verge of starvation, and a raging cholera epidemic that has made more than half a million people ill. Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen and blocking key harbors so that food...
‘De-certifying’ the Iran Deal May Be Trump’s Most Reckless Decision Yet, by Phyllis Bennis
Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. Trump, on the other hand, is risking a war — and torching U.S. credibility.by Phyllis BennisDespite heavy competition, Trump’s latest Iran move ranks near the top of the list of the most reckless actions of this...
Stop War with North Korea; Online Teach-ins Continue Wednesday
Those of us who know that diplomacy, not aggression, is needed in North Korea have a responsibility to oppose any military threats or action taken in the name of the United States. United for Peace and Justice calls on all peace groups and organizations to take action...
Divest from the War Machine Summit [VIDEO]
This event has passed, but you can see the video of it here:Saturday, October 21st, 20179:00am-5:00pmSunday, October 22, 201710:00am-1:00pmUDC Law School, Washington DC4340 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008As Trump is creating dangerous confrontations with...
Congratulations to ICAN for Earning Nobel Peace Prize
The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons [ICAN] went to the right campaign at the right moment!As the dangers of nuclear escalation rise to levels not seen in decades, we are greatly heartened by this validation of...
Sign the Petition: Support NFL Players, Oppose Racism & Trumpism!
Please scroll up to sign the petition.
Sad Anniversary. 16 Years in Afghanistan; Tell Trump to Get Us Out!
Afghanistan - The Forgotten War Watching the PBS series on Vietnam is a graphic reminder of the horrors of war. Unfortunately, one of the few things the U.S. government learned from Vietnam was how to hide the horrors of the Afghanistan war from public view as...