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Code Pink Petition: Lift Sanctions and Negotiate with Iran
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has spent the last year boasting about the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign against Iran, just shifted the narrative last weekend, telling reporters that the Trump administration is open to holding talks with Iran...
“Free Trip to Egypt”—June 12 Day of Unity
UFPJ was approached about promoting a new film and organizing initiative, “Free Trip to Egypt.” We watched the trailer and were intrigued, so we’re passing the invitation along to you. In these times of tremendous polarization and alienation, film producer Tarek...
A Path to Peace in Korea
Korea needs peace, and the world needs Korea to achieve peace. Here are the critical steps that are needed. We are asking people everywhere on Earth to sign this petition to U.S. President Donald Trump: We urge you to conclude a binding peace agreement constituting a...
Pressure 2020 Candidates to Refuse Donations from War Machine
The race is on, with over 20 Democratic candidates currently in the running, but will it lead to peace? This epic campaign season will be a ripe opportunity to raise public awareness and ensure all candidates refuse donations and, in turn, influence, from the top...
U.S. and Iran are on the Brink of War!
One year ago, the Trump administration irresponsibly withdrew from the landmark Iran nuclear deal. In the past year, the Trump administration has pushed a crippling “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran. And now there are U.S. warships and B-52 bombers in the...
Bishop William Barber on What a Justice Legislator is For
One of the leaders of the National Poor People’s campaign: A Call for Moral Revival, Bishop William Barber spoke truth to power at a Martin Luther King Day event in Nashville, TN. As he calls out the state governor, he lays out just what a justice legislator is for. ...
For Truth and Reparations
Four hundred years ago, in 1619, the first Africans were brought to the North American continent. The time has come for reparations. While there are different narratives of what reparations could be, spirituality, healing, and system change must be at the center of...
Veterans for Peace President Gerry Condon attacked and arrested at Venezuelan Embassy
Gerry Condon, President of Veterans For Peace and a UFPJ Coordinating Committee member was attacked and arrested yesterday evening. As you may know a group of U.S. peace activists are inside the DC Venezuelan Embassy and have been there lawfully for several weeks, to...
Keep the Pressure on the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS): Teachers’ pension fund to meet with war profiteer General Dynamics.
On March 12th, retired public school teachers Jef Schultz and Susan Witka, CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans, and CODEPINK organizer Nancy Mancias met with CalSTRS External Affairs Director Diane Stanton and other CalSTRS staff members. We shared your serious concerns...
Iraqi Trade Unionists; Peace, Justice, Women’s Rights and Environmental Activists and the Role of Civil Society in Iraq Today
Recently returned from Baghdad, Terry Rockefeller (September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows) and Michael Zweig (U.S. Labor Against the War) reported on the 10th Annual Meeting of the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI). If you missed this UFPJ...
Growing Nuclear Risks in a Changing World: New Thinking & Movement Building
An International Conference, Saturday, May 4, 2019; 9 am – 6 pm Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square, New York City Click here for more information and to register. Admission is free, but space is limited. The Cold War has ended. The interregnum between the...
Override Trump’s Yemen War Powers Veto
This is a shameful moment in American history. Despite the bipartisan War Powers Resolution successfully passing through both chambers of congress, Trump is using his presidential veto power to maintain U.S. involvement in the brutal Saudi-led war in Yemen. It’s not...