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2018 International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases Proceedings now available
On November 16-18, 2018 some 300 peace activists representing over 35 countries gathered in Dublin, Ireland for the International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases. Irish peace organizations wanted the conference to be held in their country because they...
It’s Nuclear-Free Future Month: Protest and Survive!
As we approach the 74th anniversaries of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, our world is facing numerous nuclear flashpoints within global conflicts and crises that could catastrophically escalate at any moment. The formal U.S. withdrawal on August 2...
Born on the 6th of August
August 6th marks the 74th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima. It is also George Friday’s 60th birthday. In the early days of UFPJ, George was a National Co-chair; today she is our National Organizer, UFPJ’s only paid staff, and absolutely vital to...
Invitation to join Seattle Divest from War Machine Coalition Meeting & Potluck
Hey Seattleites, your divest from war coalition is gathering steam and invites you to join our first potluck and public meeting! This will be a great opportunity to meet local peace activists and plan our next steps in the divest Seattle from the war machine campaign....
Invitation to Join International Webinar: Divesting from Destruction; Investing in Peace and Sustainability
Tuesday July 30 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT/8:00 – 9:30 am PDT 5:00 – 6:30pm Central Europe time Click here to Register Over the next ten years the nuclear armed countries plan to spend over 1 trillion US dollars on the nuclear arms race. Those manufacturing the nuclear...
U.S. Mayors Call on Presidential Candidates to Make Nuclear Disarmament a Campaign Issue
Mayors for Peace Group delegation (L-R) Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui; Satoshi Karoki; John Burroughs; North American Coordinator Jackie Cabasso; Director Yasco Suehiro; Secretary-General Yasuyoshi Komizo On July 1, at the close of its 87th Annual Meeting in Honolulu,...
Pressure CalSTRS to Divest From War Profiteer
Pressure campaign works on CalSTRS: Teachers’ pension fund to give an update on meeting with war profiteer General Dynamics. In April, CalSTRS met with war profiteer General Dynamics. Next month, thanks to your continued pressure, we will receive an update from...
Learn About War Divestment: July 2nd Code Pink Webinar
Want to learn more about divesting from the war machine? Tune in on Tuesday, July 2nd to learn divestment strategies and tactics that are working across the US. Sign up for the webinar! Divestment is an incredibly powerful tool we’re using to end the financing stream...
Poor People’s Campaign Petition asking for Presidential debate Forum on Injustice
Last week UFPJ National Organizer George Friday, National Co-conveners Jackie Cabasso and Terry Rockefeller, and several UFPJ affiliates, met in Washington, DC at the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Congress which released its Moral Budget. This budget provides a...
No War on Iran
United for Peace & Justice condemns the current push for war with Iran. We know that the United States went to war with Iraq based on lies and it looks like the Trump Administration is using the same playbook to convince Americans that Iran is a mortal threat....
The Poor People’s Campaign makes an Impact in DC!
Earlier this week UFPJ National Organizer George Friday, National Co-conveners Jackie Cabasso and Terry Rockefeller, and various UFPJ affiliates, met in Washington, DC at the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Congress, which on Monday released its Moral Budget. The Moral...
Military Impacts and Climate Change
A new report from the Watson Institute at Brown University details the staggering greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. military: 1.2 billion metric tons! This is equal to 257 million passenger car emissions - more than double the number of cars on the road in the...