Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security
Since 1945, when the United States dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has faced an existential threat of nuclear war. Today the danger of another nuclear weapons use is at its highest since World War II. More than 13,000 nuclear weapons, most an order of magnitude more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki— 92% held by the U.S. and Russia, continue to pose an intolerable threat to humanity. The detonation of even a small number of these weapons would have catastrophic human and environmental consequences that could affect everyone on the planet.
All the nuclear-armed states (U.S., Russia, China, U.K., France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel) are engaged in programs to qualitatively upgrade their nuclear arsenals. Over the next 30 years, the U.S. plans to spend an estimated $1.7 Trillion to replace its entire nuclear weapons infrastructure and upgrade its nuclear bombs, warheads, and delivery systems. An alarming trend is the increased scale and tempo of war games by nuclear-armed states and their allies, including nuclear drills. Ongoing missile tests, and frequent close encounters between military forces of nuclear-armed states exacerbate nuclear dangers.
The nuclear-armed nations maintain that nuclear weapons are the ultimate guarantor of their “national security”, but nuclear weapons endanger everyone’s security. Security must be fundamentally redefined in human and environmentally sustainable terms. UFPJ works with civil society organizations at home and internationally to promote complete nuclear abolition.
Time to start stopping the wars: No war in Ukraine, then no war anywhere.
The Ukraine crisis intensifies, with no clear path to resolution. A military confrontation between the United States and Russia, the world's most heavily armed nuclear nations, could spell disaster. It is time for the people of the world to cry Enough! No more war...
A Burst of Anti-Nuclear Activity!
January 22 will mark the first anniversary of entry-into-force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The TPNW prohibits the possession, development, testing, use and threat of use of nuclear weapons for the 59 countries that have so far ratified...
International Peace & Planet Online Conference Jan. 4, 2022
A recording is now available of the Peace & Planet Online International Conference, “Building our Movements & Impacting the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference,” held January 4, 2022. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) came into effect in...
First Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Branch Human Rights Conference
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 11th, 10AM -2PM Pacific, 1PM – 5PM Eastern Southern Anti Racism Network (SARN) is a new UFPJ member group. The First Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Branch Human Rights Conference, organized by the Fannie Lou Hamer branch of Women’s...
We remember the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
—Hiroko Komiya, left, with Keiko Baker, preparing to speak.—Photo by Jim Hannah By Kristin Scheer On the evening of Aug. 8, PeaceWorks Kansas City gathered more than 50 people—anti-nuke activists, members of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, along with Vets...
Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change: Shine a Light, Stop the Hate, Lower the Heat
On August 6, the 76th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, UFPJ member groups including Western States Legal Foundation and Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (CAREs) held a “hybrid” live/virtual rally at the Livermore Nuclear...
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Never Again!
We celebrated the entry-into-force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on January 22, 2021, but just six days later, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced it is keeping the hands of its Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, the closest...
How Do We Move from a Dysfunctional World to a World Without Nuclear Weapons?
The 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons took place on June 19, 2021. This was the second year the AGM was held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic which continues to devastate countries and populations...
Golden Rule Peace Boat Arrives From Honolulu To San Francisco: Historic Sailboat Tried to Stop Nuclear Bomb Testing in 1958
by Gerry Condon “They are here! They are here! The Golden Rule is sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay.” These were the excited shouts of supporters on Tuesday, June 1, when the historic Golden Rule anti-nuclear sailboat arrived in SF Bay,...
Memorial Day Protest and Arrests at Kansas City Nuclear Parts Plant: ‘We spoke truth, we cried, we witnessed, we rejoiced’
By Kristin Scheer This Memorial Day was the first time I was able to join PeaceWorks-KC at the massive National Security Campus, where non-nuclear parts are made for nuclear weapons. It was the 10th annual event and I was moved by the experience. Jim Hannah urged all...
Call for Organizing Peace Marches/Actions in Solidarity with the 2021 Peace March in Japan: May 6 to August 4, 2021
In the historic year when the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force, the 2021 Peace March will start on May 6 from Tokyo, walking towards Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At a new stage that nuclear weapons are prohibited for the first time in...
Kings Bay Plowshares Win Inaugural Berrigan-McAlister Award
The Kings Bay Plowshares have won the inaugural Berrigan-McAlister Award, given by DePaul University to a person or organization that exemplifies the practice of active Christian nonviolence. The award ceremony will be virtual and supporters may sign up. The award...