Injustice at Home
U.S. injustice has deep historical roots: the theft of Native American lands, slavery, centuries of racism and anti-immigrant policies, and profound income and wealth inequality. The legacies of these injustices persist and intersect today. The median wealth of a Black or Latinx family is only a small faction of that of a white family. Native American water and lands continue to be devastated by petroleum pipelines, coal and uranium mining. Muslim-Americans have experienced a wave of Islamophobia, while individuals seeking to enter the U.S. at our southern border are denied the right to seek asylum and detained in pens. UFPJ was founded on the principle that there will be no true peace without addressing the myriad injustices of U.S. society.
This April 4: Organize a Public Reading of Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam: Speech in Your Community
On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his tragic assassination, in his prophetic speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared: “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on...
9/11 Pre-Trial Hearings at Guantanamo Enter Unchartered Legal Territory
Actions in the Guantanamo 9/11 Military Commissions, which have since the arraignment of five men accused of planning and supporting the 9/11 terrorist attacks been unable to even begin a trial, appeared to advance toward resolution and then with near lightening speed...
Hearings in the 9/11 Case at Guantanamo Move Closer to Crucial Decisions on Admissibility of Key Government Evidence
From April 21 to May 17, the 9/11 military commission at the Guantanamo Naval Base held its first-ever, five-weeklong set of pre-trial hearings. The accelerated pace of the proceedings is a clear sign that the current judge, Air Force Colonel Matthew McCall (the...
Guantanamo at 22: Continuing Violations of Human Rights and the Growing Challenges and Harms Experienced by Former Detainees
The Detention Facility on the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base marked its 22nd anniversary on January 11th, and while the number of detainees has dwindled to 30 there is a growing awareness of the enormity of the on-going damages and human rights violations the 780 Muslim...
Hundreds of Poor People, Faith Leaders from 30+ States Descend on Capitol Hill for Three-Day Poor People’s Campaign Congress, Demand Action to Address Death by Poverty
Hundreds of Poor People’s Campaign leaders from over 30 states came together on Capitol Hill June 19-21 to shift the nation’s attention to the reality of poverty in the country, highlight poverty as an American death sentence and demand action to end murder by public...
Message from the National Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Across the country, the Poor People's Campaign is calling for a Third Reconstruction. Amid targeted extremist attacks, murder exacted through public policy, and the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, ecological devastation, the war economy & militarism,...
End Women’s Poverty: Invest in Caring Not Killing – International Women’s Day event now online
A report from the California Poor People’s Campaign End Women’s Poverty: Invest in Caring Not Killing, an International Women’s Day event on March 8, was spearheaded by the California Poor People’s Campaign (PPC), with UFPJ, CODEPINK and Women’s International League...
This April 4: Organize a Public Reading of Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam: Speech in Your Community
On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his tragic assassination, in his prophetic speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared: “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on...
GTMO UPDATE: Detainee Releases and High-Level Reviews of Guantanamo Policies and Practices
Good news and Guantanamo are two ideas not normally associated with one another, but February 2023 has been a month of important positive developments for the men being held at the Guantanamo detention facility and for eventually ending the failed system of military...
September 21 UN International Day of Peace: “End Racism. Build Peace”
United for Peace & Justice invites you to join us for a special webinar: “End Racism. Build Peace” Wednesday, September 21, the UN International Day of Peace Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The United Nations...
June 18, 2022: UFPJ Joins the Poor People’s Campaign Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers Assembly and March on Washington – A Declaration, Not Just a Demonstration!
After months of planning the big day arrived, as United for Peace & Justice joined the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, DC on June 18 for its Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly and March on Washington and to the Polls. We were represented by our...
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Supports the Legally Required Release of Guantanamo Detainee Majid Khan
Majid Khan’s sentencing hearing in October of 2021 produced a sea change in the Guantanamo military commissions. These proceedings include the pre-trial hearings of the five men accused of plotting and supporting the 9/11 attacks, which have hopelessly faltered after...