by admin | Nov 14, 2021 | Afghanistan, Member Group, Top Story
Under the George W. Bush Administration at least 780 Muslim men were brought to the prison facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which was opened on January 11, 2002. Today, as GITMO’s 20th anniversary approaches, 39 men remain. Ten have been charged but are...
by admin | Nov 13, 2021 | Economic Justice, Events & Updates, Poor Peoples Campaign, Top Story
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is keeping up the pressure on President Biden and Congress to pass the Build Back Better Act and voting protections to save our democracy from coordinated attacks across the country. The largest investment...
by admin | Nov 12, 2021 | Action Alerts, Economic Justice, Events & Updates, Poor Peoples Campaign, Top Story
Get on the Bus! Congress is coming back to DC on Monday, Nov 15 and we need to meet them there to demand they Build Back Better from the Bottom Up and pass voting protections to save our democracy from coordinated attacks across the country. All hands on deck!! This...
by admin | Oct 20, 2021 | Member Group, Top Story, UFPJ
On October 18th UFPJ’s initial group of emerging activists began our six-month training program with UFPJ’s National Organizer, George Friday. Between now and the end of the year participants sponsored by UFPJ groups from Western Massachusetts (Springfield No One...
by admin | Oct 16, 2021 | Economic Justice, Events & Updates, Poor Peoples Campaign, Racial Justice, Top Story
According to a study released by the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival at an online national press conference on October 15, poor and low-income people accounted for more than a third of all voters overall in the 2020 presidential election, and...
by admin | Oct 16, 2021 | Economic Justice, Events & Updates, Member Group, Military Spending, Top Story
In 2021, the United States will spend $740 billion on the Pentagon budget which is equal to $1.4 million a MINUTE. With just 10% of the Pentagon budget, we could END homelessness in the United States, yet we’re told time and time again that we just “can’t afford”...