by UFPJ web | Dec 19, 2018 | Action Alerts, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security, Top Story
Senators Merkley, Warren, Gillibrand, Markey, Wyden and Sanders have introduced the Prevention of Arms Race Act of 2018 (S.3667), which declares a sense of the Senate that “President Trump’s announcement of the intent of the United States to withdraw from the INF...
by UFPJ web | Oct 15, 2018 | Member Group, Military Spending, No Foreign Bases, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security
In response to the continuing march of military aggression by the USA and to put an antiwar agenda back on the table of activists, we are calling for a Women’s (and allies) March on the Pentagon on the 51st anniversary of the 1967 big antiwar event in DC and...
by UFPJ web | Oct 2, 2018 | Member Group, Military Spending, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security, Top Story
International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of SpaceJoin with the Global Network Against Nuclear Power & Weapons in Space and Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section during Keep Space for Peace Week to promote social justice...
by UFPJ web | Sep 10, 2018 | Events & Updates, Member Group, Military Spending, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security
GOLDEN RULE’s WEST COAST SAILING TOUR The Golden Rule anti-nuclear protest boat sailed in 1958 toward the Marshall Islands to interfere with nuclear bomb tests. The newly restored ketch has been “Sailing for a Nuclear-Free World and a Peaceful,...
by UFPJ web | Sep 4, 2018 | Action Alerts, Climate and Environmental Justice, Military Spending, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security
“…[G]lobal warming and nuclear war are two different ways that humanity, having grown powerful through science, through production, through population growth, threatens to undo the natural underpinnings of human, and all other, life.” –...
by UFPJ web | Aug 3, 2018 | Events & Updates, Member Group, Military Spending, Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security
From the Korean Peninsula, to the South China Sea, to the Middle East and South Asia, all the nuclear-armed states are engaged in unpredictable conflicts that could catastrophically escalate out of control. Tensions between the United States and Russia have risen to...