Global Days of Action on Military Spending
The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) is an annual event that takes place in April and May as part of the Global Campaign on Military Spending launched in 2014 by the International Peace Bureau. All participants work to promote the redirection of excessive military budgets to fund disarmament and conflict prevention, sustainable development and anti-poverty programs, addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, promoting social justice and human rights, and supporting vulnerable groups and communities.
Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization
IPB's new paper released: 17 September 2014. The draft working paper entitled 'Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization: Reducing Militarism and Military Expenditures to Invest in the UN Green Climate Fund and to Create Low-Carbon Economies and Resilient Communities'...
Global Day of Action on Military Spending
This April 15th join millions of people around the world to focus public, political, and media attention on the waste, fraud and abuse of military spending and the need for new spending priorities. Carved into the stone of the IRS building is the Oliver Wendell Holmes...