On May 21, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival launched a national day of action calling for people to Stay in Place! Stay Alive! Organize! Right now, states are beginning to reopen, against the best recommendations of doctors, public health officials and other experts. State legislatures, governors, and the federal government are putting millions of people, especially the poor, at great risk by reopening too soon.

At the same time, the government continues to offer piecemeal responses to this pandemic and the growing economic crisis that have put profits over people. We must come together to demand that all of our elected leaders act on the responsibility they have to protect and provide for every person in this country, not just during a national crisis, but at all times.

 Click here to take action with us by calling Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to demand that they provide real solutions for this public health and economic crisis to meet the needs of poor and impacted communities in the next stimulus package by implementing the Poor People’s Campaign’s Moral Agenda!

 Click here to read our news alert about the Stay in Place! Stay Alive! Organize! campaign.

Sign our petition to demand a moral stimulus package that addresses the roots of the double pandemic of poverty and COVID-19.

 Click here to read the Poor People’s Campaign’s COVID-19 Health Justice Advisory Committee’s statement.

Click here for additional readings & resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the Poor People’s Campaign and their national co-chairs.

United for Peace and Justice is proud to be a national mobilizing partner in the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. RSVP for June 20, 2020 – Digital Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington.


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