United for Peace & Justice is proud to be a National Mobilizing Partner in the Poor People’s Campaign; A National Call for Moral Revival. On June 20 the voices of our movement rang out loud and clear through the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington, the largest online gathering of poor and dispossessed people, and people of conscience, in the nation’s history.

During a compelling three hour program we heard from service workers from the Midwest forced to work through the pandemic, a coal miner from Appalachia, mothers who have lost children due to lack of health care, residents of Cancer Alley in Louisiana, and an Apache elder who is petitioning the federal government to stop a mining company from destroying their sacred site in Arizona. They were introduced by actors and activists including Erika Alexander, Danny Glover, Wanda Sykes, Jane Fonda, Al Gore, David Oyelowo, Debra Messing, Jody Evans, and Phyllis Bennis. And the Poor People’s Moral Justice Jubilee Policy Platform, which offers an agenda that can heal the nation and restore our democracy, was released.

Over 300 Facebook pages of partner organizations cross-posted the broadcast from the Poor People’s Campaign page. More than two and a half million people from all across the country and around the world viewed the program on Facebook alone, more than 42,000 participants uploaded selfies and stories to the Poor People’s Campaign website, and sent nearly 300,000 letters to our elected officials insisting they implement the policy agenda of the Poor People’s Campaign.

The mass digital mobilization was covered in the New York Times, CNN, NPR, the Washington Post the Religious News Service and many more.

It’s not too late to participate in June 20th! Didn’t get a chance to participate? No worries! It’s not too late to watch the broadcast of The Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington Digital Justice Gathering.

  Already watched? Great! Now send this link to your friends, family, and community.   

As the National Partners team wrote to us: “A year ago, when we announced plans for June 20, we couldn’t have anticipated the transformative events of the past few months. Yet we knew the nation was already in social, political, economic and moral crisis, and that change would only come through a fusion movement led by the poor and dispossessed. The last few weeks have marked a big step forward for that kind of movement-building. This weekend we saw the same in the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington.”

Momentum is growing! The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival! is changing the narrative and creating a revolution of values that address the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and militarism, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism.

Join the Poor People’s Campaign; A National Call for Moral Revival and tell your elected officials to adopt the Moral Agenda. Once you join, you will be invited to participate in an open house zoom call hosted by your state campaign, coming up later in July, where you can learn about the organizing in your state and how to get involved.

Now is the time, this is the place, and we are the people! Forward together, not one step back!!.


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