Inspired by urgent action needed to address climate change, Jane Fonda is upending her life and spending 4 months in Washington D.C. this fall. Every Friday she’s there will be “Fire Drill Friday” to bring urgent attention to important inter-sectional analysis around Climate Change.

Funding endless war is an existential threat to human life and one of the leading causes of climate change, which is why it’s urgent that we come together in Washington D.C. and make the connection between U.S. militarism and climate change.

Did you know that the Pentagon spends 64% of our discretionary budget on the military, which is responsible for polluting our planet more than 140 countries combined!?

Can you imagine all the ways we could help our planet if we invested the funds wasted on the military into green alternatives that promote peace?

A green future is possible. But to do so, we must unite in the struggle against militarism and #ClimateChange.

This Friday, November 8th we’ll need all hands-on deck to show the world that there is an anti-war movement that understands war and the cost to the planet.

Join Jodie Evans of CODEPINK, and Jane Fonda at the rally this Friday, November 8, in Washington DC on the southeast lawn of the Capitol Building, across from the Library of Congress and near the intersection of 1st St & Independence Ave SE, 11am-12pm, as we urge the U.S. government to #DivestFromWar.

For more information:

If you can’t join us in DC, you can learn more about the connection between climate change and militarism at

In Solidarity,

CODEPINK  & United for Peace & Justice Coordinating Committee

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