The threat of war hangs over the world. The NATO war alliance is at the center of that threat — from the seemingly never-ending wars by NATO powers in the Middle East, to the burgeoning, new nuclear arms race. Next year, the Trump Administration will call for another surge in war spending to $750 billion, while state and local budgets languish. NATO’s reach is expanding — to the east to the borders of Russia and now to the west, to the borders of Venezuela. The US, the main funder of NATO, seeks to dominate the peoples and resources of Africa by means of AFRICOM. A thousand US/ NATO bases now ring the globe, in violation of the sovereign rights of smaller nations, with devastating impact on local communities, the environment, and public health.
NATO is coming to Washington DC soon, to “celebrate” its 70th birthday and announce its global plans. Unless checked by a people’s opposition, NATO’s ambitions can lead to unimaginable catastrophe and war. We think, moreover, that it is a special act of desecration that NATO chose to celebrate itself in the US on the anniversary of the assassination of one of our country’s greatest champions of peace and social justice, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scores of antiwar and social justice organizations are calling for days of mass action and protest. Several groups are keeping a tally of planned events:
Find out about them, come to as many as you can, and join us in Washington DC!