Please Use the Following 3 Steps from FCNL to CALL CONGRESS:
1. Dial the Capitol switchboard:
1-855-68-NO-WAR (1-855-686-6927), where you will be directed to provide information to identify your district, and will be automatically connected to the offices of your legislators.
2. Ask your senators to vote for S.J. Res 42:
Please call both of your senators. Every vote will make a difference to block the bombs and challenge the war. We are asking senators to vote for the legislation, since we know that the resolution will go to the Senator floor for a vote by mid-June.
Please cosponsor S.J. Res 42, the Murphy-Paul-Franken legislation to block bombs to Saudi Arabia. In a war that has killed over 10,000 Yemeni civilians, the US should not support indiscriminate killings of civilians in Yemen and instead should push for peace.
3. Ask your representative to cosponsor H.J. Res. 102:
Please ask your representative to support a parallel effort in the House. We have no assurance that there will be a vote on this legislation, so please ask your representative to cosponsor the bill in a strong show of support.
Please cosponsor H.J. Res. 102 the Amash-Pocan legislation to block bombs to Saudi Arabia. In a war that has killed over 10,000 Yemeni civilians, the US should not support indiscriminate killings of civilians in Yemen and instead should push for peace.

Please contribute $10 to keep our campaign for peace going!
Thank you for taking this important action, today!
In Solidarity,
UFPJ’s Coordinating Committee