The Saudi Coalition, backed by the U.S, has committed a multitude of war crimes in Yemen killing thousands of innocent civilians. The Senate and House are taking action by putting forth legislation to stop the current $1.15 billion US weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. There must be consequences for the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia. The US must not continue to participate by providing more weapons to the Saudi government.
There is an extremely important vote in the Senate this afternoon to block the current $1.15 billion weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Call your Senators NOW at (202) 224-3121 to tell them that you support SJ Resolution 39 blocking this sale.

There is an extremely important vote in the Senate this afternoon to block the current $1.15 billion weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Call your Senators NOW at (202) 224-3121 to tell them that you support SJ Resolution 39 blocking this sale.

Based on what we’ve learned from our allies who have been working tirelessly to support and move legislation in Congress, we believe that a vote could reach the Senate floor as early as tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon.


Your Senator has a rare opportunity to stop this inhumane war profiteering which, is soaked in the blood of thousands of innocent Yemenis. Those on Capitol Hill need to know that you are watching, that we are watching, and we will hold them accountable for their position on this uncontroversial issue.

Join others around the country by picking up your phone now to call the US Capitol Switchboard : (202) 224-3121. Their system will assist you in reaching your Senators and Congressperson.

After you’ve made your call, please help us track the responses you get from each office.

Message us and let us know who you spoke to and if they’re supporting, opposing, are leaning a particular way, or are undecided on the legislation to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

This is a special case where every one of our calls can and will make a difference.

I look forward to hearing from you.

And if you can, please donate $5, right now, so we can continue this ongoing campaign to stop war for profit.


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