Send a Letter to Congress: Stop the War Crimes in Afghanistan
by admin | Oct 7, 2015 | Uncategorized | 15 comments

- Tragedies and War Crimes Never Ending | United For Peace and Justice - […] in Afghanistan – a War Crime and a blatant violation of International Humanitarian Law – with a national effort to…
- UFPJ’s 2015 Annual Report | United For Peace and Justice - […] Send a Letter to Congress: Stop the War Crimes in Afghanistan […]
Get OUT of this mess!We are only making things worse!
Give Peace a Chance
I do not think the U.S. Military has given an adequate explanation of how this deplorable event has occurred. Bombing a “Doctors Without Borders” hospital is shocking and horrible. Please call for an independent investigation!
We have had ENOUGH war. It is time to try a different approach.
Enough deaths and destruction in Afghanistan. Enough killing of wedding members and people in hospitals. Stop this war and engage in diplomatic efforts to bring peace to this poor country.
We need to leave Afghanistan. Please bring our troops home now.
Pursue peace now.
In my opinion, the following are very important steps in extending the useful life of the dysfunctional and failing capitalist economic system long enough to replace it, in a peaceful and orderly manner, with an economic democracy, i.e. socialism:
(1) Balance the federal budget by ending the wars of fascist capitalist aggression in the Middle East and Africa.
(2) Balance the federal budget by removing the entire fascist capitalist war machine, i.e. the American military, from the Middle East, North Africa, South America, Europe and the Western Pacific.
(3) Balance the federal budget by drastically downsizing the fascist capitalist war machine which takes 60% of the federal budget.
(4) Balance the federal budget by ending all of the pork-barrel new weapons programs for the fascist capitalist war machine. In all cases the capitalist war machine doesn’t have a need for these new weapons. The only reason they are being developed is to provide a market for American armaments corporations.
(5) Balance the federal budget by closing all 900+ foreign military bases used by the fascist capitalist war machine.
(6) Balance the federal budget by outlawing and disbanding all of the extremely expensive private fascist armies such as Blackwater, DynCorp and Blackhawk.
(7) Balance the federal budget by ending all military aid for the Philippines, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, South Korea, Taiwan, Columbia, Honduras, Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, etc., etc., etc.
(8) Balance the federal budget by ending all subsidies for the very profitable oil, natural gas and coal corporations, the nuclear power industry, the very profitable large agricultural corporations, etc., etc., etc.
(9) Balance the federal budget by dismantling the huge and growing federal police-state security apparatus.
(10) Balance the federal budget by ending the extremely wasteful and ineffective war on drugs.
(11) Balance the federal budget by shutting down all of the illegal foreign prisons operated by the CIA.
(12) Balance the federal budget by shutting down the US Army’s notorious Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the School of the Americas (SOA). WHINSEC trains police and military officers for fascist capitalist Central and South American governments that use them to brutally suppress political dissent .
(13) Balance the federal budget by maintaining the separation of church and state and ending all federal Faith-based initiatives. In other words, get the federal government out of the business of promoting religion. The christian churches are very profitable capitalist business operations that can afford to finance their extremely reactionary parochial schools.
(14) Balance the federal budget by drastically raising the taxes on the obscenely wealthy pro-fascist capitalist class, their extremely profitable pro-fascist capitalist corporations and their highly overpaid pro-fascist corporate management.
(15) Balance the federal budget by ending the military build-up for a war with Syria, and/or Iran, and/or North Korea, and/or Venezuela, and/or China.
(16) Balance the federal budget by disbanding the fascist capitalist war machine’s United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). The original and only purpose of USNORTHCOM is to brutally suppress all legitimate dissent by the working class.
(17) Balance the federal budget by consolidating the corrupt and redundant Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) with the equally corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
(18) Balance the federal budget by drastically raising the excise taxes on all automotive fuels, alcohol and tobacco.
(19) Balance the federal budget by ending all of the fascist capitalist war machine’s no-bid contracts, particularly those for the private fascist armies such as Blackwater, DynCorp and Blackhawk.
(20) Balance the federal budget with the proposed Tobin Tax. The proposed Tobin Tax would be a financial transaction tax (FTT) of approximately 0.5% on all speculative transactions. The average investor and pension funds would be exempted.
(21) Balance the federal budget by imposing a stiff federal severance tax on all off-shore oil.
Troops have been all to long in Afghanistan,,leaving families broken,fathers. sons. husbands,brothers. Obama promised to bring them home two years ago. It is a unless war.
Bring and end to it now.
It is high time the US be formally charged for war crimes in its continued effort to occupy and terrorize the Middle East on behalf of Corporate America. These assaults have long destroyed the credibility of the American ideals we claim to hold dear, along with endangering American citizens in much of the world. The recent attacks are just another example of an endless line of abuses and are a direct correlation of why They hate Us… It has nothing to do with the freedom we so blindly believe we still possess.
It is most depressing as an 83 year old widow to think we have learned NOTHING from all the wars during my lifetime. The continuing destruction of life on all sides of each issue destroys each of us a bit when we hear the numbers. I voted for our President and for Joe Donnelley and am grossly disappointed that this war will now escalate…and for what rational reasonal??
When will we ever learn???When will we ev ver learn????????????????????
In my opinion, the following are very important steps in extending the useful life of the dysfunctional and failing capitalist economic system long enough to replace it, in a peaceful and orderly manner, with an economic democracy, i.e. socialism:
(1) Balance the federal budget by ending the wars of fascist capitalist aggression in the Middle East and Africa.
(2) Balance the federal budget by removing the entire fascist capitalist war machine, i.e. the American military, from the Middle East, North Africa, South America, Europe and the Western Pacific.
(3) Balance the federal budget by drastically downsizing the fascist capitalist war machine which takes 60% of the federal budget.
(4) Balance the federal budget by ending all of the pork-barrel new weapons programs for the fascist capitalist war machine. In all cases the capitalist war machine doesn’t have a need for these new weapons. The only reason they are being developed is to provide a market for American armaments corporations.
(5) Balance the federal budget by closing all 900+ foreign military bases used by the fascist capitalist war machine.
(6) Balance the federal budget by outlawing and disbanding all of the extremely expensive private fascist armies such as Blackwater, DynCorp and Blackhawk.
(7) Balance the federal budget by ending all military aid for the Philippines, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, South Korea, Taiwan, Columbia, Honduras, Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, etc., etc., etc.
(8) Balance the federal budget by ending all subsidies for the very profitable oil, natural gas and coal corporations, the nuclear power industry, the very profitable large agricultural corporations, etc., etc., etc.
(9) Balance the federal budget by dismantling the huge and growing federal police-state security apparatus.
(10) Balance the federal budget by ending the extremely wasteful and ineffective war on drugs.
(11) Balance the federal budget by shutting down all of the illegal foreign prisons operated by the CIA.
(12) Balance the federal budget by shutting down the US Army’s notorious Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the School of the Americas (SOA). WHINSEC trains police and military officers for fascist capitalist Central and South American governments that use them to brutally suppress political dissent .
(13) Balance the federal budget by maintaining the separation of church and state and ending all federal Faith-based initiatives. In other words, get the federal government out of the business of promoting religion. The christian churches are very profitable capitalist business operations that can afford to finance their extremely reactionary parochial schools.
(14) Balance the federal budget by drastically raising the taxes on the obscenely wealthy pro-fascist capitalist class, their extremely profitable pro-fascist capitalist corporations and their highly overpaid pro-fascist corporate management.
(15) Balance the federal budget by ending the military build-up for a war with Syria, and/or Iran, and/or North Korea, and/or Venezuela, and/or China.
(16) Balance the federal budget by disbanding the fascist capitalist war machine’s United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). The original and only purpose of USNORTHCOM is to brutally suppress all legitimate dissent by the working class.
(17) Balance the federal budget by consolidating the corrupt and redundant Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) with the equally corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
(18) Balance the federal budget by drastically raising the excise taxes on all automotive fuels, alcohol and tobacco.
(19) Balance the federal budget by ending all of the fascist capitalist war machine’s no-bid contracts, particularly those for the private fascist armies such as Blackwater, DynCorp and Blackhawk.
(20) Balance the federal budget with the proposed Tobin Tax. The proposed Tobin Tax would be a financial transaction tax (FTT) of approximately 0.5% on all speculative transactions. The average investor and pension funds would be exempted.
(21) Balance the federal budget by imposing a stiff federal severance tax on all off-shore oil.
Stop and reverse the rise of the American fascist military/police state! At the minimum do the following before the sociopaths in the ruling fascist capitalist oligarchy start World War Three:
(1) Repeal the Patriot Act of 2001.
(2) Repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
(3) Repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2009.
(4) Repeal the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA-2012) , Title X, Subtitle D.
(5) End the wars of fascist capitalist aggression in the Middle East and Africa.
(6)Remove the entire fascist capitalist war machine from the Middle East, Africa, South America, Europe and the Western Pacific.
(7) Close all 900+ foreign military bases.
(8) Outlaw and disband all private fascist armies such as Academi, DynCorp and Blackhawk. Academi is the new name for Blackwater.
(9) Dismantle the huge and growing fascist state security apparatus. This includes ending the use of drones in America.
(10) Shut down all of the illegal prisons operated by the CIA.
(11) Shut down the US Army’s notorious Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC).
(12) End all federal faith-based initiatives.
(13) End the military build-up for wars with Syria, and/or Iran, and/or North Korea, and/or Venezuela, and/or China, and/or Russia.
(14) Disband the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM).
(15) End the war on drugs.
(16) Demilitarize all domestic police forces.
I demand the immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Afghanistan.
I’m sick of endless wars when we have plenty of needs that aren’t being met at home.