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I. Strengthening our network: To strengthen our network, UFPJ must increase it fundraising and outreach efforts. UFPJ will contact our member groups to reaffirm their affiliation, strengthen bonds and create renewed interests in the network. We will especially look for opportunities to connect Peace Centers we know exist in many cities and towns, and we will increasingly look to colleges and universities for networking opportunities.
II. One Campaign (Currently Jobs Not Wars). With our limited resources UFPJ will focus attention on one campaign at a time for 2013 and coordinate with others.
III. Nuclear Free Future Month (August) The crisis on the Korean Peninsula has reminded us of the present danger of nuclear confrontation. Coordinated by the UFPJ Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security working group, the purpose of Nuclear-Free Future Month is to stimulate action and raise awareness about the continuing existential threat from nuclear weapons and the dire environmental and proliferation risks posed by the global addiction to nuclear power.
IV. Legislative Working Group
a. National Defense Authorization Act
b. The Federal Budget (Defense Spending)
c. Supporting the Jobs Not Wars legislative agenda
d. Any related war and peace legislation (Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, nuclear weapons budget, Africom, etc)
V. Make our newsletter and phone briefings more useful as outreach and information tools including highlighting the work of small affiliates and following climate change, immigration, civil liberties campaigns and other issues.
VI. Maintaining and updating the UFPJ website, e-blasts and action alerts, and social media presence.