We’ve just learned that the three Veterans For Peace members who arrived in Jeju Island, South Korea today were denied entry into the country.
Tarak Kauff, Elliott Adams, and Mike Hastie were met by South Korean authorities when they landed on Jeju Island via Shanghai, China. The South Korean authorities had a photo of each of them in their hands and told them they would not be allowed to enter Jeju Island.
They were instead taken and put on a plane back to Shanghai.
When they arrived in Shanghai they were told that they each had to pay $280 for the change in flight schedule. But Tarak told the Chinese that they had just been denied entry into South Korea because they were going to protest against a Navy base that was being aimed at China. When the Chinese authorities heard that they waived the $280 fee for each of them.
Tarak, Elliott and Mike are severely disappointed that they will not be able to stand with the people of Gangjeong village on Jeju Island. South Korean members of VFP were planning on flying from Seoul to Jeju Island to meet with the American VFP members.
This case though illustrates just how much the South Korean puppet regime fears the growing international movement to support the fight against the Navy base on Jeju Island. We know where the South Korean authorities got the photos of the three American veterans. They got them from the US military who is pressuring the South Korean government to build this base that will be used to port U.S. warships that will be used in Obama’s military “pivot” into the Asia-Pacific region.
Just yesterday Angie Zelter (UK) and Benji Monnet (France) were deported from South Korea after being arrested for protesting against the Navy base.
Please help send a strong message to the South Korean government by calling and/or organizing a protest at the nearest South Korean embassy/consulate to your community.
Also call the South Korean embassy in Washington DC 202-939-5692 or 202-939-5600 to lodge a strong complaint about them denying the three VFP members entry to Jeju Island.
Can there be an question that we are now living in a corporate dominated police state?
Please remember too that the South Korean corporation Samsung is the lead contractor building the Navy base on Jeju. Boycott Samsung!