Dear Peace Ally,
I want to let you know about the exciting new “Peace Pledge” campaign that United for Peace and Justice is launching. The pledge is a commitment to take action for peace and justice up to and beyond the 2016 U.S. elections and it’s ready for you to sign right now.
As the mother of a young adult daughter, I fear for the future – for my own child and for all young people who are inheriting a legacy of war and chaos that I fear is spinning out of control.
This election cycle, with its abysmal political dialogue, is one of the most troubling I have witnessed. The world and indeed our planet are facing a deep and challenging emergency, with perpetual wars, 65 million refugees of war and violence, the growing climate crisis, economic inequality and continuing social and racial injustice.
I know that I want to do all I can for peace, for the planet and for people.
I hope that you will join me by signing the UFPJ Peace Pledge!
For peace and planet,
Thea Paneth

Thea Paneth at the People’s History Teach-In at MIT. Thea is an active Coordinating Committee member of United for Peace and Justice and a member of Arlington United for Justice with Peace, a community peace group that she helped to organize in March of 2002.